Chapter Seven: Exposed

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                           Chapter Seven:



           A week passed and there was still no sign of Ryler. Every day Ben or SkyAnn would go and check for any news of him, and every day they would come back empty handed. Everyone was on edge. I completely avoided SkyAnn altogether, not wanting a repeat of the other day. She refused to look at me. It was as if, in her eyes, I hadn't come back, that they’d captured me too.

           Finally, on the sixth day, Lock stood on one of the crates and gave us all a pep talk. "Look people!" He shouted, "I know it's stressful having Ryler gone. Keep in mind that things like this happen all the time. Rory already said they weren't interested in Ryler. He's probably in his normal prison cell, relaxing and waiting for release. Just like every other time. There is no reason to panic!"

           This calmed everyone considerably but I could tell tensions were still high. Lock seemed to be the only person who truly believed his words. He reassured me that this had happened before. "But they weren't looking for anyone specific," he added, giving me a sidelong glance. I blushed.

           "Rory, I know you don't want to say anything to anyone here but...we both know they weren't after you because of that purse. There’s something you’re not telling us. Normally I would respect that, let you get to your story in your own time, but now, my friend is in prison somewhere. And I think the only person who really knows why... is you." He watched me for a moment, letting his words sink in.

          I sat, nervously stroking a section of my hair. Lock waited patiently, not in the least put off by my hesitancy. Finally, I sighed. "Not here, Lock. Meet me on the roof?" Lock nodded and rose to go. I sighed. Was I ready to tell my story? I knew I had no choice. Lock had a point. I needed to tell someone the reason Ryler was captured. I needed to share the burden I clutched so desperately to myself. All of them, Lock, and Pud, and Ben, they had all become my family. They deserved more from me.

           I rushed to the roof, knowing Lock would follow me up shortly. I paced, trying to map out in my head what I was going to say. I didn't stop when I heard him coming. I couldn't. I wasn't ready. He grabbed my shoulder and forced me to face him. It wasn't Lock standing there. It was Ben. "Hello, Ben, I'm sorry but I'm meeting Lock up here soon and I would really like a few moments alone with him..."

           He smiled, “I know, it was my idea. I knew he was the only person who could get you to open up, to admit there was a problem. So, I asked him to get you to meet him somewhere. Then we pulled the switch, although you are going to have to tell him too. Otherwise I think he's going to pout."

           I blinked at him. They had tricked me. I knew I wouldn't be able to tell Ben. As much as I liked him, I knew he wouldn't understand. I shook my head and stepped away from him. "I'm not ready to tell you Ben. I'm sorry."

          His eyes blazed, "Rory, why is that you trust Lock so much and you don't trust me? When have I ever let you down? I've tried being there for you but you refuse to open up to me no matter how hard I try. Do you think I won't believe you? Do you think I'll laugh at what you say? Because I'm not like that, Rory, and I would think you’d know that by now."

          Tears formed beneath my lashes. "It's not like that, Ben. My life... It's not what you think. I'm not like all of you!"

           "All of us? What does that even mean, Rory? What makes you so special that you don't even call yourself 'one of us'?" He glared down at me. I didn't know where all this was coming from, all this anger.

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