Chapter Six: Sacrifice

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Chapter Six:




          The run back through the trees didn't take as long as I would have thought. The lack of a cloak forced me to go faster. My arms pumped at my sides, warming me. When I reached the house, I slowed. All the lights were beaming across the lawn, a beacon, telling me that all was lost. They had found Ryler and Ben.

         Unwilling still to just give in, I snuck back into the house through the door in the washroom. It was still open from earlier. So much for an escape route. I thought bitterly. Carefully I crept across the floor to the door leading to the hallway, listening to the muffled voices of many people floating down the hall. I could faintly pick out the rough texture of Ryler's voice. I tiptoed across the wooden floor testing for creaks before taking each step.

          When I reached the end of the hall, it became obvious that the voices were coming from the parlor. I pressed my back to the wall and inched closer, trying to peek around the corner without them seeing. I could see twelve men, all with their backs to me, all wearing matching cloaks. I shrank back. I had been able to see Ryler's boots and legs between them, but nothing else, nothing to give me a read on the situation, except that I hadn't seen Ben.

            Were they keeping him in a separate part of the house? I sucked in a small breath and willed myself to take another look. This time the men had shifted, revealing an almost complete view of Ryler, but still no Ben. Then I noticed the expression on Ryler's face. It was not one of fear or doom, but one of extreme anger and frustration. I stepped into his view while all the men’s backs were still turned. Ryler glared. Not the time or place his look told me. I stepped back behind the wall.

           I didn't know what to do. I still didn't know who the men were. All I knew was that Ryler felt as if he had the situation under control. I eased my way back to the washroom and out into the chilly night air. I decided to go back to the horses. I would be safe there. Ryler would be safe...I hoped.

          That's when I remembered Ben. Where was he? I was tempted to go and check back at the horses. Maybe he would be waiting there for me. Instinctively I knew he wouldn't be. He would not have abandoned Ryler to fend for himself, as I almost did. I went back in through the washroom, determined to find out if the men had him held somewhere within the house. I crept back along the hallway, stopping just short of the entrance like before, only this time I crouched so I could listen better.

          "I'm not going to ask you again, Ryler." A familiar voice wheezed. "Where is she?" She? They were searching for me. They knew I was here. I was tempted to run again, run until I reached the horses and could gallop away as fast as I could towards home. The man's next words stopped me. "Several of my men are outside searching. It won't be long until I find her. One of them swears he saw her and another girl run into the woods. If that's the case we'll have them tracked before daybreak." Oh no, Addy! What had I done?

          I slumped down the wall, shocked and horrified that I was the cause of this. I wasn't sure what this was but, by the sound of it, it wasn't good. I straightened. I could fix this. All I had to do was turn myself in. The worst they could do was take me back to the palace. I sucked in a deep breath for courage, straightened my tunic, and stepped into the entranceway once again.

          A rough hand jerked me back. Ben. I turned towards him, slapping at his hand, determined to end this now. He ignored my attempts. He jerked me back into the washroom and shut the door. "Rory," he hissed, “What are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" I glared at him.

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