Chapter Twelve: Death and Deliverance

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Chapter Twelve:

Death and Deliverance




          I awoke to feel real hands on my throat. I screamed and fought against them, surprised at how weak my arms were. "Stop it!" I tried to yell but it only came out as a sigh. The hands released me and I realized they weren't the rough strong hands of Mort, but softer. I forced myself to focus on the blurry figure sitting before me. It was the girl from before.

          Beside her was a bowl of broth and a cup of what looked to be water. I reached for them, my mouth already begging before my brain could register my need. She saw what I was aiming for, took the cup, and tilted it to my mouth. I struggled to open it wide enough to accommodate the cup’s contents. After helping me with the water, she began spooning the soup into my mouth. Each swallow was painful on my raw throat. She watched me struggle and I could see the pity in her eyes.

          When I finished eating, she started gathering everything up to go. I stopped her, my weak hand barely clutching at her dress. "What's your name?" I managed to say, it came out like a whisper. She smiled tenderly.

          "It's Jo," she said, waiting for my hand to drop.

          "Wait, you’re Ryler's Jo?" She smiled and sat back down next to me.

           "I wouldn't say that exactly." She glanced at the wall separating us from him and lowered her voice. "It's been forever since Ryler and I…” she stopped, her cheeks getting red, "have been close.” She finished awkwardly causing me to blush too.

          After a moment of silence, I spoke again, whispering. "I think he still loves you." She remained silent but shook her head.

          "No, not after everything, I don't see how he could. So much has happened, so much time has passed. I think it would be better if he moved on, if he forgot about me." Her hands were shaking and I could see how much the words hurt her, how much thinking about losing him again, hurt her. I watched her, beneath the bruising and dirt I could see she was still beautiful, her copper hair tried to glow beneath the filth covering it.

         I patted her knee soothingly. "He does love you." She looked at me and I could see how badly she wanted to believe me, how badly she wanted him to still love her. I understood her pain. "I don't think he'll want to lose you again, now that he's found you. We all thought you were dead, and he still waited." She smiled; hope shining in her eyes like a beacon. She got up to leave.

         "Thank you." She mouthed as she shut the cell door. She didn't lock it. I stared at it. It was firmly shut, but I was sure she hadn’t inserted the key: on purpose? I was still so weak. I didn’t think my body could withstand an escape. I rose to my feet shakily and pushed the door open. She was in Ryler's cell, his head in her lap. I gestured to my door and shook my head.

          "We'll wait," I said, gaining strength with each word. "We'll wait for the perfect moment. We'll all get out of here." She looked down at Ryler. He was watching me, and I swear I saw a smile curl at the corner of his lips. She laid his head back aside and came to my cell.

         “I hope you know what you’re doing.” She whispered as she inserted the key into my door. “They never let me down here. it will be a long time before we have another opportunity.” Ryler and I exchanged glances. Neither of us was well enough to make a break for it. We wouldn't make it past the gate.

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