Part 4

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I found Thomas at the top of the tower, so I climbed up to meet him. He was in such deep thought, staring off at the wall, that he hadn't even noticed I'd come up. I walked up next him, making sure he could hear my steps so I wouldn't startle him. I sat down on the edge, dangling my legs over the side like he did.

I played with my fingers for a few quiet seconds, gathering enough courage to say what I wanted to say. "I'm sorry...about last night at the party."

Thomas smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "It's okay."

Another quiet moment went by where we just listened to the breeze rustle through the trees and the birds sing. It was peaceful up here. "Hey, Thomas. Can I tell you a secret?" Thomas looked at me with patience, not opening his mouth for a verbal answer. "Last night, I..." My heart started to race in my chest as I looked at him, so I stared out in front of me. "I had this dream. You were in it, but it was... Weird."

This seemed to get his attention because he blurted, "You, too?"

"Me, too? What do you mean?"

Thomas, now excited, turned his body more towards me, his knee pressed against mine as he watched me with wide eyes. "Ever since I first got here, I've been having these dreams. You're in them, and we're in some room with a bunch of computers. I called you Minx."

"That's what was in my dream! And there was another girl there."

"Mine, too!"

The sizzle of excitement at sharing the same dream gave way to concern. I bit my lip, and the action attracted his eyes, and I sighed through my nose, my shoulders slumping slightly. "What do you think it means?"

The corners of his mouth pulled down into a frown, blinking like he hadn't considered the question. "I don't know."

"You know what Ben said to me while he was trying to kill me? He told me it was my fault. Do you think all this could really be because of me? Did I trap these people here?" I mused aloud, staring out over the expanse.

"Well...if you did, you didn't do it alone." The sincerity in Thomas' voice made me smile half-heartedly as I looked at him, his hand snaking over to hold mine. I had thought it was going to be a quick squeeze and he would let go, but he left his hand on mine and his eyes ventured down to my lips.

He blinked a few times, as if deciding if he should, then he started to slowly lean in. I knew what was coming this time, and I was going to do nothing to stop it. In fact, I was going to encourage it. I followed his lead, angling my head the other way until our lips met, fitting together like lost puzzle pieces.

His lips were surprisingly soft, which was something I wasn't expecting at all. He used a varying pressure that had my mind going fuzzy as I tried to keep up with him. His hand came to rest on my cheek while his lips massaged mine.

I got the feeling that people might've been staring, so I was the one to pull away from the kiss first, laughing quietly to myself with nerves. I liked kissing him. I didn't remember any kisses I might've had before, but I felt like even still, he was probably one of the better kissers I'd encountered.

Thomas was still gazing at me, his hand on my cheek, and I looked up at him through my lashes. He was smiling with a bright glint in his eyes. I bit my lip, hoping to hide my blush by looking back out to the wall. He followed my lead, staring out as well.

"You know, I-." I cut myself off, still not completely sure of what I wanted to say. "I don't know what's happened in the past or even what's going to happen now, but either way, I'm really glad that you're in it with me."

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