Part 8

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 Teresa looked at Thomas, but he looked at me. Everyone was quiet, almost like they didn't agree with the punishment but were too scared to speak up. Before I left, I turned, wrapping Minho in a tight hug. "Good luck," I told him.

Gally acted as though he was a guard as he walked us out. He picked up a torch, guiding us through the darkness to the far side of the Glade where the pits were. He was quiet, too, like talking to us was some huge burden. I really wanted to like Gally, but he was making it difficult. I knew he had a soft side, though, I just had to dig for it.

"Hey, what's your problem with me?" Thomas asked him. That probably was not the way to find his soft side, so I stayed quiet.

"Everything started going wrong then minute you guys showed up," he answered. I frowned, throwing out my arms. I guess I was in it now. "First Ben, then Alby, and now the other girl. Everybody saw she recognized you. And from what you told Newt, she recognized Y/N, too. And I'm betting you guys know who she is." He glared at us, stopping in front of the pits. There were only two, but one of them was already being occupied. I figured I'd be shoved into the one with the guy I hardly knew.

Gally opened the gate to the pit. It was exactly as it sounded. Just a hole in the ground with a bench made of earth wide enough for one person to uncomfortably sleep on and a gate to lock them in. He jerked his head towards it, telling us both to get in. I was surprised at first, but then I realized the reason behind it. It wasn't because he was doing it out of the kindness of his heart. That seat really was only big enough for one sleeper, which meant both of us would probably not be sleeping well tonight.

Thomas jumped down inside then held up his arms to help me. I sat on the edge and slid down, his hands finding my hips to make it easier for me. Gally closed the gate and began to tie it closed.

"Hey, Gally," I asked, peering up at him. "You do know that we can't stay here forever, right?" He slowed, staring at me as he finished tying. There was nothing mean about it. It was more contemplative like he was soaking in my words. He left without a sound, taking the light with him.

My eyes danced around the pit, but it was pitch black. I couldn't even see Thomas, and I blinked to try and force my eyes to adjust quicker. Gally's words repeated through my mind on a loop, and while I was curious, my mouth didn't move to create the words I was thinking of. Being alone here with Thomas made my heart race like I'd just finished a trip through the Maze.

Just as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, another torch came to the pit. Chuck was the one holding it and I was surprised to see him. He smiled at us, holding a tumbler of water to us through the gate. "Here. You'll run better on a full stomach."

"God, Chuck, you're amazing," I moaned happily, catching the wrap of food he dropped. I handed it to Thomas while Chuck sat down to chat with us. Thomas tore off a large piece of toasted flatbread and handed it to me, and I groaned at the delicious taste. I was so hungry, I thought I could eat an entire cow.

"Thanks, Chuck," Thomas said, scarfing down his half of the bread. Chuck smiled at us and I sipped from the cool water in the container. "Hey, what you got there?" Chuck gestured to his wooden carving, which was finally complete, and looked sadly at it. He angled it through a space so we could peer at it.

The two of us squished in together to look at the detail. It almost looked like an ape mixed with an ancient hieroglyph. I looked at it with an impressed frown. "Wow, that turned out pretty damn good."

"What's that for?" Thomas wondered.

Chuck pulled it back, turning it in his small hands as he examined it. "It's for my parents."

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