Part 9

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As soon as we entered the Glade, everyone was already gathered around the entrance waiting for us. I, admittedly, was running slower than them since I was pretty sure I sprained my ankle when it got caught in the walls, and my sock splashed through a puddle, making me groan.

"Aw, come on!" I complained. Could this get any worse?

"What the hell's going on out there?" Newt asked, eying my shoeless foot as I pouted.

"The Maze stole my friggin' shoe." Without stopping, everyone turned to follow the three of us back to the huts.

"What the hell have you two done now?" Gally spat as I came up next to Thomas and Minho, still fighting through a limp and a throbbing pain in my foot.

"We found something, a new passage," Thomas said.

"We think it could be a way out," I said.

"Really?" Newt asked, surprised.

Minho laughed lightly. "It's true."

I stopped suddenly. "Okay, I need a med-jack."

"Can you walk there?" Thomas asked, everyone stopping to look at me. I felt a little bad about slowing them down, but I didn't think I would keep putting weight on it.

I shook my head. "I've been running on it, and I think it made it worse. It's probably just a sprain, but it hurts like hell."

With a nod, Thomas turned around, bending at the knees. "Alright, hop on my back." I didn't waste my breath denying him, hopping on his back as I wrapped my legs and arms around him. He held my thighs while I clung to his back, my arms tight over his chest, and he started walking again.

Minho continued the conversation as if we hadn't stopped. "We opened a door, something I've never seen before. I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day."

"Wait, woah, woah, woah." Chuck jogged closer to Minho and Thomas. "You're saying you found the Grievers' home? And you want us to go in?"

"Their way in could be our way out," I said, feeling much better now that I wasn't in so much pain. Right now it was just a dull throb. I could deal with that.

Loudly and stubbornly, Gally called out from behind, "Yeah. Or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side. The truth is, Thomas and Y/N have no idea what they've done. As usual."

I slid down from Thomas' back, quickly turning around to push Gally's chest angrily. Being a large guy, he obviously wasn't that effected by it, but hurting him wasn't my intention. "Shut up, Gally! At least we've done something!"

"What have you done?" Thomas backed me up, and the group circled in around us. "Huh? Aside from hide behind these walls all the time?"

Gally leaned in with a scowl. "Let me tell you something, Greenies." I was sure the term was meant to put us in our place, but I kept glaring straight into his eyes, unaffected by his words. "You've been here 6 days, and you've been here 3." His eyes went from Thomas to me, reminding us of our short time here. "Okay? I've been here 3 years!"

"Yeah, you been here 3 years, and you're still here, Gally!" Thomas screamed in his face. "Alright, so what does that tell you?"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I said, "It tells me you should start doing things a little differently." With the spike of adrenaline due to anger gone, I had to stand with all my weight onto one foot.

"Maybe you should be in charge, then, what about that?" Gally teased.

I threw my arms up in exasperation. "That's not what I'm saying, Gally! Why are you so dense sometimes?!"

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