chap 14 old conflict, new violence

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She was about to accept her fate when one of the guys holding her was knocked over, Mike's hand grasped Amelia's shirt tightly while the other jock let go and took a step back.

Both Mike, the jock and Amelia turned to see Robin holding the first jock by his hair. Robin's face was twisted in rage. They slammed the first jocks head into a tree, knocking him out.

"LET THE FUCK GO OF HER, MIKE!", screamed Robin in pure rage.

"Why should I?! Its not like you can make me Rachel", taunted Mike, pulling Amelia closer to him and wrapping his other arm around her waist.

"Oh, you are so dead", said Robin under their breath before they lunged.

They punched Mike straight in the face.
Mike stumbled back, letting go of Amelia. Mike looked around for the other 2 jocks but they were gone, it was just Amelia, Robin and Mike.

Robin grabbed Amelia's arm harshly and pulled her behind them, Amelia fell to the ground. Robin lunged again at Mike, punching him in the stomach. Mike tried to throw a punch back but Robin dodged. They kicked his shin and pushed him backwards, he landed on his back. Robin put their knee on his chest. They they pushed down on his chest, he was struggling to breathe.

"Stay away from Amelia and me or I will kill you", half whispered Robin with burning rage.

Robin pulled back their fist and punched Mike as hard as they could, knocking Mike out and most likely breaking his nose.

Robin got up and rushed over to Amelia, all their rage was gone, now they just looked worried.

"What did he do? How did he hurt you, angel", asked Robin frantically, pushing Amelia's hair out of her face.

"I'm gonna fucking report him this time I dont care if I get expelled too, and I'll beat the shit out of those joc-"

Amelia interrupted their romantic rambling by pulling their shirt collar to her and kissing them on the lips. The kiss shocked Robin but they almost instantly pulled her towards them.
Amelia wrapped her arms around them and leaned into the kiss.

Both of them were desperate for each others taste. Robin pulled Amelia into them so that she was straddling their things. Amelia moved her hands and wrapped them around Robin's waist. One of Robin's arms wrapped around her while the other hand entangled itself in her hair. The kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity, lost in each other.

Robin finally pulled away to breath. Amelia immediately noticed the slight blood splatter on their neck, she got and pulled their hands up so that she could see them. Robin's knuckles were bloody, the skin was broken.

"Your hurt", stated Amelia.

" I'm fine, angel", responded Robin, minimizing their injury.

"No you are not, we are going to my house so that I can patch you up", stated Amelia firmly.

"Whatever you want, angel", responded Robin, letting Amelia pull them with her.

The two of them had almost walked half way when Amelia spoke next.

"W-why did you call me angel?", asked Amelia, she had only now proceeded that Robin had called her that 4 times.

"I can stop if you dint like it", said Robin.

"No... I like it", half mumbled Amelia.

"Well then I'm not gonna stop, angel~", said Robin with a smirk.

Amelia assumed that the adrenaline from the fight was still getting to them.

When the two arrived at her house, she brought them inside and up to the upstairs bathroom where ythay had dyed Robin's hair the day before.

Amelia made Robin sit down on the toilet. She brought out the first aid kit. She sat on the floor and patched them up.

She disinfected the small wounds and wrapped the in bandage, after both hands were done, she sighed.
She looked up into their eyes.

"So that's what you are like when you are angry huh?", asked Amelia.

"Not really, you gotta understand that he has tormented me sense the 3rd grade and they were they were they put their hands on you", explained Robin while looking away from her.

"Its ok, I'm not scared of you", comforted Amelia.

"Good", said Robin quickly before pulling her into another kiss.

It was a short kiss, Amelia pulled away after a few seconds. She got up and beckoned Robin to follow her to her room. Once she closed the door to her room, she spoke.

"Robin, I really really like you", said Amelia simply.

"I really really like you too angel", responded Robin in the same tone.

Amelia felt a chill run down her spine at the petname.

"I dont think you get it, I like you, I really really like you, I think about you all the time in maybe ways I shouldn't", continued Amelia.

"I think about you too all the time, in maybe ways I shouldn't", responded Robin genuinely.

"In what ways?", asked Amelia.

"Uh-... I cant describe it", said Robin nervously.

Amelia decided that she was gonna have to just do what needed to be done.

"Well, when I think about you, I think about you shirtless, think about you on top of me, I think about your body against mine~" responded Amelia with a smirk, she slowly approached Robin while she spoke.

The embaresed look in Robin's eyes dissapeared, it was replaced by the familiar hunger that Amelia had seen before.

"Oh do you now, angel~", responded Robin, closing the distance between them, putting their hands around her waist.

"Yup~", responded Amelia, draping her hands around their neck.

Robin kissed Amelia again, this time she didnt pull away. She got on her tip toes to reach into the kiss.
As the kiss got more intense, Amelia pushed Robin onto her bed in a sitting position. Amelia startled their lap once again. The kissing got deeper. Amelia reached her to tongue meet Robin's, they did the same. Their tongues battled for dominance as their hands roamed each others bodied. Robin's hands had slid down to her ass and Amelia's hans were tangled in their hair. She felt the feeling in her gut grow bu the second.

Amelia pulled away slightly to catch her breath.

"Whaddya say, we get a go further, angel~ asked Robin quietly in a whisper.

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