Big-Ass Spider

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Philindaisy Drabble...No spoilers...Enjoy!


Daisy is walking to Jemma's Door while thinking of a reasonable explanation

"Jemma?" daisy knocked

"ugh Daisy you can't just come here and sleep in MY bed- again because you didn't clean your room!" Jemma shouted without opening the door

"besides we have plans" she heard Fitz's voice, she realized what he meant

"ew okay! Stay safe bye!"She walked to yoyo's room before she could knock to the door she heard banging so she retreated

"nope! No!, what's wrong with these people, is it National Sex Day or something?"

She can't go in May's room because she's not there she's in an OP and she can't just trespass besides its probably locked. Last Option 'Coulson's Room"

"Daisy? what are you doing her- Oh no you should clean your room now May's on her way home, you would not want another hour of training"

"well uhm Im kinda waiting for her to get home so I could clean my room..." she said, Coulson frowned out of confusion

"you see there's this this Big Ass Spider in my bed and Im so tired, and Jemma and Yoyo cant- never mind that, and May's the only one who put the spiders away and she's not here" she explained with her puppy eyes

"Fine, c'mon you sleep in bed I'll sleep on the floor"

"oh no it's okay we can share, besides Dads suppose tuck their daughters in the bed and read them stories" she laughed and leave a space for Coulson

"and you take the nightmares away" she added. He laughed shaking his head

"what's funny?"

"nothing, go to sleep" he said tucking her in


Meanwhile Daisy heard the door opened and closed again which woke her up, then she heard boots dropping in the floor, she continue to observe the surrounding using her ears, eyes close

"Mel?" she heard Coulson

"hmm go back to sleep, Daisy is here? I checked on her she's not in her room and it's messy I thought she's in Jemma's" she heard May's tired Voice, wait what? Why's she here

"she's waiting for you, she said there's spider in her room"

"It's because she's not cleaning it" she felt May's weight on the bed, it's quiet until she heard something like kissing, she's sure that's definitely a kissing sound. She wanna squeal her parents are finallyyy together? Omigoshh since when!!! Omigosh are they sleeping together that's why May went straight here!

"and she said I take the nightmares away" May laughed, she got more confused she couldn't get the funny part

"Move, I wanna sleep too" she felt May laying down

"Im glad she's still our Skye" Coulson muttered, she wanna hug him and cry but she decided to keep pretending asleep until...

"I love you" May blurt out

"I love you too"

"I knew it" Daisy mumbled and Hugged May

"go back to sleep"

"there's spider m'room"May kissed her forehead

" you're so soft" she said cuddling May, Coulson Laughed, She wished they could be just like this every day, forever but they can't, they weren't born for a Normal and Cuddles Life, well at least they still have each other. 


Thanks for readinggg!! lovelots

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