We Didn't Have Enough Time - Part 3

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Part 3

Melinda May has woken up in a variety of ways. To a sudden jolt from a nightmare, and a punch in the face. To security breach alarm and an electric shock of defibrillation.

But today Coulson woke her up with kisses, multiple of them. She moved closer to him.

"Good Morning" Coulson greeted

"Hmm, how are you feeling?" She opened one of her eyes to see him

"Not dead yet" He replied kissing her even more and she leans closer to feel his heartbeat, she closed both of her eyes again and sighed in contentment.

"I know I've been selfish," Coulson said out of the blue, but May didn't reply. She didn't say nor clarify that he had been so selfless that he became selfish-  irony.

"Forgive me but I want to be selfish one more time" This time May looked up to him– curious

"I... I've been thinking...Mel, we've wasted enough time, I don't wanna waste more" Coulson looked her in her eyes and held her cheeks, she leans to his hands processing what he was saying

"I... I wanna marry you, right now, in this bed, in our pajamas, if that's what you want" he then showed her a diamond ring, not too big, but enough to symbolize their love. May's eyes started to glisten, her heart started to swell.

It was hard for Coulson to ask her for more, he's been asking too much. On the other hand, Melinda doesn't care if she's practically marrying a dead man, right now she's marrying the man she loves.

"Even just for a short time, Mel" She didn't say anything, instead she captured his lips

"You know, I'm a pretty good wedding officiant if you let me" Coulson broke the kiss, but felt May's smile on his lips

"I do, Phil, now shut up"


It's Tuesday morning. Nowadays the three of them don't look at the calendar often but today it's Tuesday morning, and Coulson likes Tuesday mornings. Strange really, what is Tuesday anyway? Right?

Wrong. Somehow Coulson seems to like Tuesdays, it seemed to be special. On a normal, non-world wrecking day, on SHIELD base before, they got to get groceries on Tuesdays, sometimes they have game nights on Tuesdays, and most of the time Tuesday seemed to be warm, even if it's winter Tuesday mornings are always warm. And now Phil and Melinda got married on Tuesday. A day to make up for all the cases of Mondays.

Daisy woke up much later than usual. She wandered to the kitchen and look for something to eat. She knows how to cook but she didn't want to, so she settled on eating the captain crunch on the counter, she doesn't wanna disturb her parents, and she did promise to let them have their own time with each other, but she kept herself close and alert in case something bad happens. She tried to unpack everything she bought but ended up clattering it around, the sand playset was on the coffee table (she don't wanna be asked why she bought that), and she is not done laughing about the bikinis she bought for her and May, and the funny sunglasses– waste of money really, but it's not a waste when you're happy.

She looked up from the living room floor when she heard the door to her parent's room open up.

"There's no breakfast yet, but look I bought you matching aprons," She said with a guilty smile, and then put up in the air the aprons that says 'coffee dad' and 'tea mom' but when they didn't respond she slowly lowered her arms, maybe the dad and mom were too soon? too much? But then Coulson's laugh startled her and the roll in May's eyes put the smile back on her face 'Good then' she thought.

Coulson made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast, he looked at May and assured her he still can. So May turned her attention to Daisy

"That'll be helpful" May sarcastically said pointing to the sand toys

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