I'm so proud of you

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You guys! how are you? I'm back with another Momma May fic... If you want please comment and interact, hope y'all enjoy it! Love lots


It's been three years since the time jumping, three years since their last mission, three years since Daisy actually saw the team, and almost three years away from earth. Now, she's coming back and couldn't be more excited, two days ago she told May and Coulson that they'll be staying with them while making an actual report on what they've discovered that SHIELD would be interested with. She also told May and Coulson that she wanted to appoint a dinner with them. Coulson finds it ridiculous that she thinks she needs an appointment for a dinner, he said she can just "barge in" on their door but May said it would be May's door since Coulson is still in Belgium and She would appreciate it if Daisy would just knock.

Right now, Daisy is walking on the Coulson Academy's hallways to May's Office ready to see her mother. As May told her to do so, she knocks and opens the door, she saw the evident surprise on May's face

"Daisy! I thought the dinner is tomorrow?" May said standing up from his chair and crushing Daisy into a hug

"Yeah, I just couldn't wait to tell you something!"

"What? You're pregnant?" May asked

"Wha- no! No sorry no"

"Sorry It's probably boring" Daisy added

"What is it?"

"Call Fitzsimmons I'll tell you at the same time"

May immediately called Fitzsimmons and projected them on the wall. May could see how excited Daisy was to tell them whatever is the news. May noticed how her hair is in a different style now, she noticed how her face shape changed slightly- became more mature, hell she even got taller or maybe it's just the new boots. May knew that Daisy has improved so much better, better than her even.

She knows that Daisy is very important to her and she would protect her with her life but after seven years of fighting beside this girl- her girl she never really thought about HOW important the girl is- now she could look at Daisy closer and longer without aliens or robots shooting at them, and she's realizing how deeply she loves this girl, everything went back to her- those seven years went back to her.

In the beginning, Daisy was merely a mission, a job. Coulson taking Skye under his wing was not on her plan and after that there are a lot more things she didn't plan but as time goes by her love and loyalty to Coulson grew into something more, something she didn't expect- Family. She and Coulson built not just a team but a family. It can almost make her cry when she reminiscences how Skye turned into Daisy then into Quake and then The Destroyer of the Worlds. She watched her grow, she watched her overcome the challenges life gave her and she watched her accept who she really was but didn't really realize how that makes her feel, but now it's all flowing through her, and it's overwhelming, she couldn't be more proud of Daisy.

God, her baby is all grown up now, yes she was her baby. she came into Coulson with nothing but a flash drive hoping she would find her family, without knowing she already found them. May knows that Skye, Daisy, or whatever name she chooses she will always be her daughter, May knows that but this is the first time she'll admit it to herself.

"May? Are you alright? Why do you look like crying?" Daisy asked but May didn't answer

"I'll call you back Jemma," Daisy said and hang up the call, the moment Daisy turned her head to May, she was already hugging her

"I'm so proud of you" May finally whispered

"I missed you" Daisy replied, and hugged May tighter

"I'll keep hugging you until it last"

"You can always hug me, Daisy"

"I know but when Coulson arrives, I'll have to share"

"Well we might want to keep hugging and sit on the couch"

"No." Daisy didn't move she just stand there hugging May- wishing May could feel the gratefulness and love she has for her.

May could feel it not because she is an empath but because it's just so strong and undeniable. Surprisingly, May was able to carry Daisy to the couch without breaking the hug

"Wow that was impressive, No one would think you're 61 years old" Daisy joked

"Well, Fitz said you're like a baby, so you're not that heavy"


They just cuddled and relaxed for almost 20 minutes until May broke the silence

"You know you could be the strongest and most confident woman in the worlds but I'll always remember you clinging to me, laying on my chest, even those glances you give me if you need help"

"And my puppy eyes"

"And your puppy eyes, you're always gonna be our little baby Skye" May chuckled and Daisy's eyes started to moist, she hugged May closer so she won't notice that she was about to cry, but May knows so she immediately change the subject

"How about Mcdonald's?"






"I'll just have Cheese Burger and Nuggets," Daisy said at the counter whilst taking her wallet out

"No, Dais, it's my treat," May said

"Oh then I'll have Cheese Burger with large fries, nuggets, and coke float, gosh I missed the coke float and can I have a Happy Meal?"

May chuckled and bought her everything, they ate silently until Daisy had to comment about the people that sometimes glancing at them

"What? Do they think we're together and they are being homophobic? What homosexuality is a crime nowadays? Ugh I might give up space and just be an activist here"

"I'm too old for you"

"You never know"

"they are thinking, oh look she doesn't seem to have mommy issues" May replied

"I like that more, that's better, and that's more true" they laughed

"You know I was supposed to tell you and Fitzsimmons that there's a planet that would be named after me"

May's jaw drops and then there it was The Proud Momma Face


please bear with me this is so cheesy it's embarrassing HAAHAHHAHHA 

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