SHIELD Characters after getting their wisdom teeths out

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Daisy: May wash so shweeeet! She cuddled me and...and carry me from my room to the dentisht *giggles*

May: I literally dragged her out because she doesn't want to go to the dentist

Daisy: aawww I love youu...Omg I feel like I'm in a Jelly...Jell-O...Oh my god I'm in May'sh womb oh my god can you feel me kicking momma May!!! *literally kicks May*


Jemma: And now, AshapShCIENCE preshentsh The elementsh of the Periodic Table. There'sh Hydrogen and Helium, Then Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon everywhere, Nitrogen all through the air, With Oxygen sho you can breathe, And Fluorine for your pretty teeth, Neon to light up the signsh, Shodium for shalty timesh x10

Daisy: *vibing* : D

May: *having a headache*

Fitz: : D


Fitz: When we firsht shaw Shkye she's like an ugly duckling

Jemma: but now?

Fitz: shtill an ugly duckling

Daisy: Hey!!!

Fitz: when we firsht shaw the director he ish Phil 'im sho inlove with May' Coulshon

Jemma: and now?

Fitz: he'sh Phil 'im sho inlove with May but with Kidsh' Coulshon : D

Coulson: *Blushes*

Fitz: When we firsht shaw May-

May: ENOUGH!!!


*in the car after going to the dentist*

May: ...

Coulson: why are you all snuggled in May back there?

Daisy: She's softer when she doesn't have her wisdom tooth

Jemma: Daisy means May doesn't care if we cuddle her because of the anesthesia 

Daisy: *whispering* maybe we can ask for a dog now, she'll probably say yes because of the anesthesia

Fitz: *whispering* or a monkey 

Coulson: *whispering* or captain ameri-

May: I can shtill hear you  -.- 


Mack: Dale a tu cuerpo alegría MackElena Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, MackElena Hey MackElenaaaaaa (Macarena parody)

Daisy: *Dancing* eyyy!

Yoyo: *face palms*


Yoyo: hijo de puta...vete al demonio...

Jemma: what's she's doing?

Daisy: probably summoning Satan?

Mack: she's actually cursing in Spanish

Daisy: oohh so whats Hijo de pu-

May: *glares* 

Jemma: *covers Daisy's mouth*


Coulson: *became a Captain America Dictionary* Did you know CaPtaIn AMeric-

May: *Points at Coulson* see this here? 30 years of this shit

Buskids: hehe : D

(idk what im doing)

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