11 - Golf and Stuff

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It was the next day. I turned off my alarm and sat up sitting on the edge of my bed. I was think about how fun yesterday was. I hope we could do it again sometime. I picked out an outfit from my closet and changed. I had on a white crop top with a blue butterfly on the chest, black ripped jeans, and my white vans. I went over to the bathroom and put light waves in my hair with the curling wand. I put on some light makeup and went downstairs to eat.

¨Did you have fun last night?¨ My mom handed me a plate of nuttella waffles.

¨Yes.¨ I couldn't help but smile just thinking about him.

I grabbed my backpack and skateboard and headed to school. I was about half way to school when Hawk, Aisha and Miguel pulled up next to me.

¨Hey want a ride?!¨ Hawk yelled from the drivers seat.

¨Yeah thanks!¨ I opened the back door and jumped in next to Aisha.

Aisha and I greeted each other.

¨Since when were you friendly to her?¨ Miguel questioned Hawk and gave a small laugh.

¨I'm not. It's just class starts in a few minutes, she would have been late.¨ He started to move down the street again.

I didn't know why he did not want them to know we were friends. Its probably just a pride thing and this boy had a lot of it. We arrived at school and we went to class. It was a normal day at school. Hawk had drove us to the dojo that day. When we walked in there was a new man there. He looked like Sensei Lawrence, just old. I changed in the locker room and came back to stretch with the group. There were mutters from everywhere. We all wanted to know who he was and why he was here.

¨Fall in.¨" Sensei Lawrence came walking out of the office. ¨Please welcome Sensei Kreese. He will be helping out around here.¨

The man gave me the chills. He looked like bad news to me. He had this cold stare that went right through you. sarah had a similar stare, but this was different. He just spectated today. Looking at us all up and down. Practice had went by quick and I grabbed my stuff and changed. Hawk and some of the others had been waiting outside the locker room for me.

¨Hey Raelynn. Want to go to Golf n Stuff with us?¨ He walked over to me.

¨I don't know. I got a lot of homework.¨ I was still kind of mad at this morning.

¨Pleaseeeeee.¨ He grabbed both my hands and looked into my eyes. He practically begged.

¨Fine.¨ His touch was so persuasive. Butterflies filled my stomach.

¨Yay. Let's go.¨ He let go of my hands and we started walking out with the group.

¨Just make out already!¨ Tory whispered in my ear and pushed me.

We got to Golf n Stuff. Everyone jumped out of the car. Tory and Miguel split off from the group to the arcade. They were getting closer, as Miguel got over Sam. I was happy for Tory. Mitch, Aisha, and Sasha went to the bigger arcade. That left Hawk and I. We both wanted to play mini golf. We went to the stand and got the ball and club.

At the first hole I hit my ball. Hawk went to put his golf ball down and I hit it before he could and ran away. He just stood there in disbelief and laughing. The second hole had a bear that you were supposed to shoot the ball through the mouth. Hawk was trying his best, but it just did not go through. He got mad and picked it up and threw it in. He was so cute when he was mad. We did the rest of the holes in fancy ways. We hit the ball like it was a game of pool, did spin shots, and best of all, we gave up.

We walked into the arcade and went to the photo booth. We made the funniest faces. We got out and waited for the pictures to print. I saw Miguel and Tory playing air hockey. They were having so much fun.

¨One for you and one for me.¨ I handed him the other picture strip.

¨Want to play a game?¨ He smiled.

¨Ski ball!¨ I chanted.

¨Race ya.¨ He started to run.

I chased after him. He obviously beat me because he got a head start. We played ski ball for about 5 minutes, before he scored so many tickets. They just kept coming out of the machine. We went to the prize station.

¨What would you like?¨ He gestured to the wall of prizes.

¨I want that guy.¨ I pointed to the panda bear stuff animal.

¨Interesting.¨ He laughed.

We were getting hungry so we stopped for some popcorn and sat outside on the bench.

¨Good thing your better at karate then you are at mini golf.¨ I took a piece of popcorn and threw it at him.

¨Well at least I have better moves than yours.¨ He mocked me.

¨Oh yeah, well than show me these specials moves of yours.¨ I set down the popcorn and stood up.

He stood up and told me to get in my fighting stance. He moved my arms around a bit then went to move my hips.

¨And now your going to put your hands on my hips?¨ I gave a smile nodding my head.

He looked embarrassed. ¨No, no, I am correcting your stance.¨ He laughed. ¨So what your gonna to do is..¨

I wrapped my arms around his shoulder, jumped on his knees, and flipping him over. I stood over him with his foot in my hand.

¨Holy shit Raelynn. How did you know how to do that?¨ He looked surprised.

¨Sensei Raelynn to you!¨ I sat down on him. ¨You don't think I watch you at practice?

¨I know you do. I catch you staring all the time.¨ He smirked at me.

¨Omg no I don't!¨ I nervous laughed at him because that was a lie.

¨Uh yes you do.¨ He talked over me.


¨Yes you do!¨



We talked over each other going back and forth. All of sudden, amongst our arguing ,he grabbed my jacket and pulled me into a kiss. Millions of butterflies filled my stomach. We pulled away. I just smiled and looked at him.

¨Are you too lovebirds ready to go?¨ Sasha interrupted.

¨Yes.¨ I looked over at her smiling. I got up and gave Hawk my hand to help him up.

We all met at the car. Everyone got in except Tory and Miguel.

¨You guys coming?¨ Aisha grabbed the car door.

¨No. Were actually going to go to this cool place Tory told me about down the road.¨ Miguel smiled. I could tell he was happy.

¨Well you guys have fun!¨ I yelled winking at Tory. She smiled back.

We said over goodbyes and Hawk dropped everybody off.

The minute I got through the door I ran to my mom a told her about everything that happened. It was perfect. She was just happy that I was happy. I ran to my room and got ready for bed. I had this journal that I wrote in every night about my true feelings. I have not missed a day of writing since the 6th grade. The pages from the past few months have been filled with my new friends, but mostly of Hawk. I never tell anybody my feelings, so this is where I gushed them out. I always hid it in my nightstand draw. I know not a very good spot, but my parents never came in my room. I made it clear to them that this was my space and nobody's else. I finished writing about my day and fell asleep.

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