17 - Devils

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When I walked into school the next day with Alexa, Hawk was not flirting with a girl at his usual spot. Instead, he was talking with Miguel, Sasha, Aisha, and Tory at their lockers. And his hair was not in a mohawk today. Could my ¨games¨ have worked?

¨Are you going to the Halloween dance Aisha?¨ Miguel had asked when we walked up.

¨I don't have a date. So probably not.¨ Aisha frowned.

¨You don't need a date to go!¨ I patted Aisha on the back.

¨Yeah, but it looks lame when all your friends have dates and you don't.¨ Aisha threw her hands up.

¨Why don't we go together as friends!? I don't have a date either!¨ Alexa said.

¨I would love that! Let's go figure out our outfits¨ Aisha and Alexa walked away and sat on the couches in the lobby.

¨So Sasha who are you going with!?¨ I winked at her.

¨aiden. We kind of been talking.¨ She blushed and gave a soft smile.

¨OOOOO come tell me all about him!¨ We walked over to another couch. Sasha and I have been getting so much closer. She was becoming just as important as Alexa was to me. Maybe that's why they don't like each other.


¨So who are you going with Hawk? Now that you fucked up what you had with Raelynn.¨ Tory looked over at Hawk.

¨ I know I fucked up. But I am gonna fix it. She means a lot to me.¨ Hawk looked angry.

¨Wow a girl means a lot to THE Hawk!¨ Miguel nudged his shoulder.

¨Anyways are you two going together?¨ Hawk changed the subject.

¨Obviously. Were going to be inmates!¨ Tory laughed.


I dropped Alexa off and went home to chill out. I got a text from Hawk telling to meet him outside. My heart fluttered and I went down stairs. He was leaning on his car.

¨Hey Raelynn!¨ He walked up to me.

¨hey. And I see you took my advice¨ I ran my fingers through his hair.

¨Well you said it looked good down.¨ He gave a soft smile. ¨I actually had a question for you. Will you be my date to the Halloween dance?¨ He grabbed my hand.

¨Yes, but only if I can pick the costumes.¨ I smirked at him.

¨Fine!¨ He gave in.

¨Alright lets go!¨ I got into his car.

He drove us to the mall. We spent about 2 hours looking in all the stores for our costumes. *You shopped like Max and Eleven did in this video*

I had so much fun with him. He didn't like shopping, but he was happy with me. At first I wanted to be something funny, but that was the wrong choice for us. We needed to be something that fit us and our ¨friendship¨. Devils are known for playing games so that is what we were going to be.

We walked into Spencer's. I found a red lace crop top and some tight fitting red leather leggings. Hawk had found a matching red track suite. There was a section all for devils, so I picked out some devil ears for both of us. There were also some red heart glasses and some normal red glasses that I picked out. We went to the changing room to try everything on. Hawk went in first while I waited. He walked out in an exaggerated cool walk.

¨This is it! This is the one!¨ I laughed.

¨Okay your turn!¨ He grabbed my hand and shoved me into the changing room.

I changed into my clothes and walked out. ¨What do you think?¨

He was speechless. ¨i-¨.

¨It must be good if I made you speechless.¨ I smirked.

¨Nice, but its missing something.¨ He grabbed a red fluffy coat and told me to put it on.

¨Much better, but I need a spin.¨ He twirled his finger.

I did a slow twirl. He came behind me grabbing my waist. He just held me while we looked into the mirror together. He finally let go and we went to pay for our things. He dropped me off at home. I hung out for a while and went to bed. The dance was tomorrow!

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