12 - Make a Move

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I woke up to a text from Hawk. It read ¨I am picking you up for school today so don't ride your skateboard.¨ I was excited, but also happy. Him picking me up meant that he would be nice to me in front of his friends. I changed into a black crop top, black/white tie dye sweatpants, and white converse. I put my hair into two dutch braids and went downstairs for breakfast. I put my plate in the sink and grabbed my backpack while I waited for Hawk.

I saw him pull up in my driveway. I yelled bye to my parents and walked out to the car. Today it was Miguel in the front seat and Aisha and Sasha in the back seat.

¨Hey Raelynn. How are you?¨ Hawk smiled.

¨Good, you?" I buckled my seat belt.

¨Great.¨ He put the car in drive and backed out.

¨Must be pretty good after last night.¨ Sasha muttered.

¨What's that?¨ I looked at her wide eyed. Miguel didn't know yet and nothing was official.

¨Nothing.¨ She laughed and winked at me.

We arrived at school. Hawk had opened the door for me. It was so sweet, I never thought he could be a gentlemen. We walked into school and separated for our classes. I sat across from sarah, only because we had assigned seats.

¨Are you and Hawk dating?¨ She muttered.

¨No.¨ I answered her not even looking up. ¨Why do you care?¨

¨I don't its just Moon wanted to know. She did date him for awhile.¨ She finally looked up at me.

¨I know.¨ I stood my ground and kept my head down.

¨You know Moon still likes you. She wants to be friends with you. She is the type of person that loves everybody no matter what they do.¨ Her voice went from quite and hesitant, to a normal tone.

¨I like her too. I will talk to her.¨ I flipped the page in my book.

The bell rang and I went to the rest of my classes. It was finally time for lunch. I walked into the lunch room and out of habit, I started to walk over to the Cobra table. I realized that Yasmine, Sam, and sarah were not there yet. It was Moon by herself. I took the chance to talk to her.

¨Hi.¨ I sat down next to her.

¨Hi.¨ She gave a soft smile.

¨I just wanted to let you know that I like you. I just don't like sarah, but Sams alright I guess. I think you are really nice and treated me well and helped me out. I would like to be friends.¨ I grabbed her hand.

¨Me too. And I am sorry I was so harsh towards you at the party a few weeks ago.¨ She sounded very apologetic.

¨Its okay.¨ I smiled at her.

¨I know sarah asked you about Hawk. I was just wondering. Don't worry I know your not dating, but I know you guys are a thing. I am completely over him and I am happy that your happy.¨ She took a sip of her water.

¨Thank you! So are we good?¨ I questioned.

¨Yup.¨ She gave me a hug. sarah, Yasmine, and Sam came walking over.

¨And on that note, I will see you later.¨ I got up and walked over to my normal lunch table.

I went to go sit in my normal spot when Hawk patted the seat next to him and called me over. I smiled and moved next to him.

¨What was that with Moon?¨ He opened my water bottle for me.

¨Oh we just made up. She is a nice girl and I wanted to be friends. She is not part of Miyagi Do so I didn't think it was a problem.¨

¨Its not. You can be friends with whoever you want.¨He rested his hand on my thigh.

He kept his hand there the whole lunch period until the bell rang. We all got up and went to gym together. Gym was a free period, so we could do whatever we wanted. Hawk and Miguel went to play flag football. Aisha, Sasha, and I decided we were just gonna sit on the bleachers. Tory came sprinted up the steps and sat next to us.

¨Omg, I have to tell you what happened yesterday.¨ Her smile was out of control.

She explained that she took Miguel to her favorite abandoned park. Romantic? Yeah okay. They were having fun when she showed him the airplane that passes by at the same time every night. Miguel was talking about how Sensei was saying make a move that day in class. He didn't understand what it meant. Tory had told him it means what it says, to make a move. He kissed her!

¨OMG, yay!¨ We all said in unison.

¨I am so happy for you!¨ I high fived her.

¨Little miss Raelynn over here had a similar experience last night too.¨ Sasha looked over at me.

¨Omg with Hawk!?¨ Tory slapped my leg.

¨Yeah. I went to go let them know we were all ready...¨Sasha started to explain.

¨Nooo let me tell.¨ I interrupted and told them the whole story.

¨I knew he liked you from the day he was so mad about james coming to see you.¨ Tory laughed.

¨What?¨ I wasn't sure what she meant.

¨He was so mad. He didn't know you were taken and he was asking so many questions.¨ Aisha laughed.

I smiled. I knew he was upset about something. He was such a bad liar. I see Hawk jogging up the bleachers. Honestly he was hot doing everything. I was sitting on the spot where your feet was supposed to go on the bleachers. I always did this because the next seat acted like a table or arm rest. My legs were also free to dangle out the bottom. Hawk had come and sat behind me the same way I did and wrapped his arms around my torso. This was unexpected since we were in front of everyone, but I liked it. Miguel wasn't too far behind and sat next to Tory. A few minutes later she ended up moving and sitting on his lap.

¨So like are you guys official.¨ Aisha questioned.

¨Yeah isn't it obvious.¨ Miguel laughed and kissed Tory on her cheek.

We all laughed. The period was over and we all went to our next classes. Hawk drove us to the dojo. We saw a note on the door telling us to go to the address of a park called Kyotee Creek. We got back in the car and headed there.

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