Kapter 104

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Katsuki got ______ to go to work only twice a week.

He even sometimes stayed home with her but she always pushed him to leave.

She was due any day now. She just made sure everything she had was ready for the baby.

They had yet to choose a final name wanting to pick once she was born.

Luca got home after school and shook his head seeing his sister in the baby's room again.

"The longer you stay in there won't get the baby out." He teased.

_____ smiled looking at him.

"Oh leave me alone" she said smiling as he laughed. "how was school?"

"Boring as usual, how have you been??" Luca asked as he joined her in the room.

"Miserable, as happy as I am for this baby I want her out. Soon." ______ said looking down.

"Ya I can't wait to play with her, I'll be the best uncle." Luca said confidently crossing his arms.

_____ smiled as she just sat down in the rocking chair and leaned her head back.

"Hey do you know what time Katsuki will be home?" Luca asked

"No, but he usually gets back around 6 or 7" _____ tells him.

"Ah alright.."

"Why? Do you need something? I can help."

"No no not you, I need help with one of my projects, I chose to do it on explosions and Katsuki's the one person who knows more about that then anyone." Luca tells her as she nods.

"Ok, I'm sure he'll be home soon. If you're hungry go heat up the food, I left it on the stove." _____ told him as he nods smiling leaving the room as she just stayed rocking in the chair.


Katsuki came back home around 7 as he set his keys on the table.

"Katsuki!" Luca smiled seeing him already asking for help.

Katsuki sighed and nods. "Ya sure, I'll come to your room in a second, wheres ______?"

"She's in your room, she's been in the baby rooms the entire day just cleaning again." Luca said as Katsuki nods.

"Why is it so hot in here is the heater on?" Katsuki asked Luca.

"Ya sis is cold."

Katsuki just nods and started to take off his costume walking to their room seeing her.

She smiled.

"Hey welcome home."

"Hey, how are you??" Katsuki asked walking towards her as he kissed her lips.

"I'm fine"

"How's the baby?" He asked smiling looking down placing his hands on her belly.

_____ smiled. "She's a kicker today."

"Is that so?" Katsuki said smiling as he hugged _____.

____ smiled hugging him back. "How was work..?"

"It was good, I missed you though" he said as he placed his forehead against hers holding her close.

"Me too..Luca needs your help by the way, but after you're done with him come to me I really don't feel like doing anything but cuddle. It's been so cold in the house" she said hugging him tightly again.

Katsuki rubbed her back.

"Really? It's so hot right now, and you're wearing a hoodie and sweats." He said pulling away looking at her.

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