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You might have noticed I changed all of my covers, it's simpler this way, it was getting hard to find good pictures of them for the covers.

Anyways here's your chapter :))

Felix was leaning against the wall, stomping his foot lightly on the floor at the rhythm of the pop song that was playing through the speakers. His best friends, Seungmin and Jeongin, were standing next to him, already a bit tipsy.

"Is your cousin around?", Seungmin had an arm over Jeongin's shoulders and both of them failed to stay still.

"He'll get here in a few.", the freckled boy took a sip of his drink and ran his hand through his black hair, cursing himself again for forgetting to put make up on. He had already been asked to dance by 5 different girls and he had been there for only half an hour.

Felix was popular, no one could say he wasn't. He was the top student of the class, but he wasn't treated like a nerd or anything, people loved him for his happy personality and smile. He was known to be the school's sunshine and almost all girls had a crush on him, even a few boys had tried to get with him already. He didn't get why, though, specially that day. His ugly freckles were right there, ruining his face even more than the average day.

He sighed when the older finally arrived, seeing him, confused, on the other side of the room.

Felix waved to Seungmin and Jeongin, not daring to take them with him, in case they would just faint in the middle of the crowd. He moved between people, ignoring the couples that almost slammed him against walls during their make out sessions, not caring about whoever they hit in their way upstairs.

When he finally reached his cousin, a laughing boy appeared out of nowhere, screaming at some of his friends. He turned around, ready to run, and instead ran against the older's rock hard chest. With a whimper, he fell on the ground, his drink falling on top of his head.

"Oh shit, come on!"

Felix watched, wide eyed, as his friend pouted on the floor.

"You're okay, Ji?"

"Felix!", the boy recognized him, looking up. "Do I look okay? This was a new jacket."

Felix eyes his cousin, who kneeled down next to Jisung.

"I'm sorry about that, I'll buy you a new one if that's what it takes."

The squirrel like boy turned his head, only then realizing how close he was to the stranger. Their eyes locked and his expression softened immediately.

"N-no, I'm sorry I should have looked where I was going."

"I'm Minho, Lee Minho.", the taller offered his hand and pulled Jisung up.

"Han Jisung, nice to meet you."

Felix laughed loudly as he saw Jisung's red cheeks.

"You sure know how to make a first impression. What were you running away from, anyway?"

"Me.", Chan appeared out of nowhere, punching Felix's shoulder slightly. "Haven't seen you at parties for a while now, finally decided to get your head out of your books."

Felix rolled his eyes.

"Funny, Chris, what were you doing to him?"

The older Australian chuckled, while Changbin and Hyunjin arrived as well.

"He was running away from his ex, she wants to have a little fun tonight, and I'm trying to throw him at her."

Felix furrowed his eyebrows.

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