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Also, Hyunjin is back at the MC website 🥺 it's a simple thing but I'm crying.

Hope you enjoy <8

"You and Jala have been pretty close lately, is there something going on between you two?", Chan wiggled his eyebrows at the other Australian while their groups ate peacefully.

Changbin's head almost shot up, but the shorter kept pretending to text someone on his phone, actually just scribbling something on his notes.

He knew that was ridiculous, but what else could he do?

He had noticed it too. Felix would spend almost all breaks with her, sometimes even ditching them to have lunch with her.

Of course he didn't say a thing to him, not that they actually talked anyway.

It had been two weeks and 4 enconters after that first one where they actually did something.

Felix would always slam him to the door as soon as he stepped on the house, he would go on and make him moan and lose his mind every single time only to act like nothing had happened later. As soon as they reached the end Felix would turn into a complete different person. Sometimes he left him clothes before he turned completely absent, but Changbin always saw the way he looked at him after, like he was just a toy.

Which he was.

He was there to relieve his stress, nothing more.

Between being shocked because he liked those touches with a boy, sad because he was cold towards him 24/7 and stressing over when his grade would actually go up, Changbin didn't had much space in his mind anymore.

He had enough to notice the way Jala clinched to him, though. The annoying girl that thought the whole world had a crush on her definitely wanted the freckled guy.

"Not really, she's not even my friend, we just got paired up in two different classes and we have work to do on both almost daily.", the taller shrugged at Chan and made a disgusted face, either at his food or at the thought of the girl. "I'm almost dying with her."

"Didn't you say you were stressed? You could like, take it if all she wants is to get into your pants."

Changbin bit his lip but kept staring at his phone, wishing no one noticed any change on his humor.

"I'll think about it.", he chuckled and Changbin could swear he felt the taller's gaze on him.

"If I had a girl like that hitting on me I wouldn't even think twice."

"I'm sure you wouldn't.", Jeongin scoffed and took a sip of his drink, also staring at his phone.

Changbin used that opportunity to get out of his without seeming interested in Felix and Jala's relationship.

"What do you mean, Innie?", Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows at the guy, the other 6 also staring at the younger, who just shrugged.

"Absolutely nothing. I need to go, I have a test next period and I need to go to the library to get something before.", he got up and left the cafeteria

Passing Grade [Changlix]Where stories live. Discover now