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I apologize for the last chapter, I hope I make it worth it in the end.

Alexa play Little Star because Hyunjin isn't blurred out of the Kingdom preview and is really back at the Mc website and I am crying internally bc it's such a small thing that means the world to me.

"Look at those two.", Chan laughed as Jisung and Minho walked through the cafeteria, both too involved on their conversation to realize they had missed the table where the other 6 sat.

"What's going on between them?"

Felix shot his head up at Jeongin's question, finding the younger with furrowed eyebrows and a confused look.

"I guess humm they just hit it of."

"Yeah, they hit a lot of things besides of" , Chan started laughing at his own joke and elbowed Changbin, thinking he would laugh with him. Felix panicked and looked around, realizing no one was actually listening to the guy siting in front of him.

"What do you mean, Chris?", the younger Australian asked him quietly, only for him and Changbin, who was sitting right before him, typing on his phone again, this time ranting to Jisung about something for when the guy finally looked at his phone.

"I mean they did it, you know? It!"

Felix almost choked on air, shocked at how the guy was simply telling him that.

"Yes, I know, Minho's my cousin, but how do you know?"

"Well Jisung's my bestfriend! He told me!" Changbin scoffed next to him, getting both of the australian's atention. "What?"

"Nothing, just mind traveling to that day again." Chan frowned and took his phone away. "Hey, Chan!"

"I already mended that."

"Yes, because I told you to.", he got up, trying to grab it while Chan tried to talk, the shorter interrupting him again. "And apparently you learned nothing.", he finally reached the phone and sat back down, running his hand through his, now, messy hair.

"What do you mean?"

"He means you could have just outed him to me or simply told me something that it's not your place to tell me.", Felix eavesdropped, when the two were already in front of him again.

Chan's face changed immediately.

"Shit, I did, why didn't you stop me, Changbin?"

The shorter shrugged and started typing again.

"I'm not your father, Chan. You need to learn to think before you talk."

The older scoffed again, rolling his eyes.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You've been all moody these last few days, are you in your period?"

"No, can you shut up and eat your food."

Chan sighed.

"I need to get you a girl to relieve your stress, you keep getting worst everyday."

Changbin hummed, not even listening. He kept typing, not realizing how Felix looked at him, while he bit his lip.

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