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Double update because I am one chapter late.

Alexa play wannabe by itzy.

It had been 20 minutes since Felix had left Changbin to go to the bathroom when the shorter decided to look for him. He climbed the stairs, trying to avoid the couples kissing and the drunk group of guys that were trying to go down the stairs sliding on a the top of a broken table.

He looked for him on the first floor of the mansion for a while, finding a scene that made his stomach turn. He clenched his fists when he saw the way she clinged to him. Felix had a bored face, as if he were trying to explain to a child why they can't have a new toy for the 100th time, which wasn't that much of a lie when Changbin thought about it.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance and walked over to them, holding himself back as she ran her finger through Felix's jawline.

The taller slapped her hand away, trying to walk past her and finally seeing Changbin.

"Bin, sorry I took so long.", he put on a soft smile and walked to the guy, gently brushing his arm on his.

"That's who you are with here? Felix, como on he is a grown up guy he can stay alone.", she whined and pulled his arm. "I really want you right now."

Changbin scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"You want every guy that crosses your eyes, now let go of my friend, bitch."

Felix couldn't help it but the chuckle slightly at the way Changbin was talking, the jealousy clearly noticeable.

"And who are you to talk to me like that, shortie?"

"You're shorter than me, what the fuck are you talking about?", she crossed her arms in front of him. "Go and find someone else."

"Felix.", she stomped her feet. "Don't you want to have fun with me?"

The taller was going to answer, he was, but Changbin was faster, pulling him away, shouting a "fuck you" to Jala as he rushed to the other side of the mansion's first floor.

"Bin, what-"

"Shut up."

The taller's eyes widened immediately, not used to this side of the shorter. His head started pounding when he pushed him into a room, closing the door and locking it, not waiting a minute before throwing him to the bed and hovering over him.

"Changbin-" he moaned uncontrollably as the shorter moved on his lap, attacking his lips to muffle the sound. "Shit, baby, I-I-"

Chnagbin made him undress his shirt, leaving dark marks all over his chest and feeling his abs simply because he could. He liked having the taller like this, only for him.

"Felix, I want... I want you to do it again."

The freckled boy cupped his face, trying to catch his breath.

"It, what, baby?"

Changbin bit his lip.

"F-finger me."

"Holly shit, as you wish, baby."

Changbin felt the mattress on his back again and tried to keep quiet as Felix undressed him all, failing miserably when the taller took his boxers off, his erection twitching, finally free.

Felix smiled and stroke it for a while, loving the effect he had on the shorter.

"F-fuck, just do it, please."

"Wait, I don-"

"Left drawer, up. I know the owner he always keeps a new one in every room."

Felix took the lube out, chuckling.

"That's weird."

"Fuck that, come on!"

Felix laughed at the desperate boy, not being able to hold back anymore. He spread lube all over his finger after open ending the sealed container and pressed his first finger to Changbin's already clutching hole.

"Breath for me, baby."

Changbin closed his eyes as the finger entered him, gasping and tugging the sheets.

"F-fuck, Lix..."

"Beautiful, baby, beautiful.", the taller leaned in, kissing his face all over as he started moving the finger in and out, picking up the pace every time he heard small moans coming from Changbin's mouth. The shorter became impatient overtime, moving his hips slightly to deepen the finger. "You want more?", Felix kissed his forehead.


Changbin let out one of the most beautiful sound Felix had ever heard as he slid the second finger into him, nails buried in his skin, tongues fighting and the shorter moaning like crazy into the kiss as Felix slid yet another finger into him, thrusting faster.

"S-shit, Felix, I'm c-close."

The taller smiled as he felt Changbin spread his legs more, trying to feel him deeper.

"Such a good boy, come for me baby."

"N-no... stop.", Changbin reached for his hand and pulled it away, under a confused Felix.

"Did I hurt you?"

"N-no...", Changbin tried to catch his breath, pulling Felix down and kissing him passionately. When he pulled away, he stared right into Felix's soul. "I want to go all the way."

Felix almost chocked on air, his member twitching at the thought.

"C-Changbin, but... the rules-"

The shorter kissed him again, pulling his body closer and moaning into the kiss again, knowing how that drove the taller crazy.

"Fuck the rules. All the rules."

And now I'll just leave and let the world burn, see you tomorrow :)

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