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We're close to getting some action  :))

Alexa play Man in a Movie by Day6

"Have you seem Jisung?"

"No, he wasn't even here when we played truth or dare, maybe he went home?

Changbin furrowed his eyebrows, it had been two hours since their little game ended and everyone was back dancing or hooking up with someone. He had spent half of that time searching for Jisung and Jeongin, the younger had escaped his room and was nowhere to be found, and the other half avoiding Felix and his beautiful smile that moved around talking to multiple people and running from multiple girls.

Was he gay?

Not that it mattered, there was no way in hell Changbin was going to go ahead with it, even if it meant failing maths.

Which he really couldn't afford.

He sighed and tried to think of something else, when he spotted Jeongin's bright blue hair in a corner. He was shocked for a while, realizing the younger was in the middle of a heated make out session with some guy that Changbin couldn't recognize. He thought about it for a while and decided to let him be, he was grown enough to take care of himself, and there were so many people already babying him that he didn't want to be the one ruining his night.

"I think I'm heading home, Hyunjin."

The taller nodded and offered him a smile.

"I'll text you all tomorrow, we could stay in my house and eat some junk food, a nice hangover Saturday."

Changbin laughed and waved.

"Sounds great to me."

It took him exacly 5 seconds to reach the door, and the random girl even less to pull him against a wall and started kissing his neck.

"What the fuck?", the shorter pushed her away, realizing how drunk she was.

"Don't be shy, baby, you're so sexy.", she moved her hands on his torso, making him want to disappear. "Don't you want to fuck me? Have your dick deep in me?", she made puppy eyes and grabbed his covered dick, making Changbin move, trying to get away.

Fuck, she was strong.

"Just let me go, you're drunk, go to sleep or something.", he tried to sound unbothered, but she only tried to kiss him. He panicked and turned his head, lips pressed to a thin line and a small whine coming from his throat.

"He said let go, are you fucking deaf?"

Changbin felt the girl be pushed away harshly, a pout on her face as Felix crossed his arms, appearing between both of them.

"Don't be jealous, you can get me too, in fact, we can have a little fun together, the three of us."

Felix made a disgusted expression and grabbed Changbin's wrist, pulling him with him to the crowd again. The shorter kept his head down, felling the remains of her touch on his body. Felix pulled him to the kitchen, where less people stood, he turned around and pulled the boy's chin up, again.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that, I should have saved myself." he let out a nervous chuckle, thinking about the situation they had been in not too long ago

"Hira is crazy, she once locked me in an empty classroom at school and almost forced me to take her blowjob, and she wasn't even drunk."

Changbin's mouth dropped.

"That's terrible, what the fuck."

Felix nodded.

"Are you sure you're okay? Because I need to go take care of Jeongin, his hook up just bailed on him."

"He did?"

Felix smiled a bit.

"You know it's a he.", Changbin nodded, rising for whatever reason. "Gay panic, I guess. Apparently told him he was straight and that it had been a mistake.", Felix scoot closer to him, holding his waist softly. "Which, of course, he isn't. Just like someone I know."

Changbin rolled his eyes, pushing him away.

"Keep dreaming, Felix."

And then walked out.

There was a dream that night indeed, but it was Changbin's. His dream for that night and the next were filled with Felix's laugh.

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