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Not me dying over the amount of pranks people pulled on me yesterday 🥲

Alexa play clown by my life.

Changbin felt his heart race again, he had been doing it a lot lately.

"Felix...", it was more of a whisper, his eyes became watery immediately and he wanted to run, run away from him before he exploded.

Felix knew both Chan and Jeongin were listening, pretending to pay attention to whatever they were cooking, but he didn't give a shit, specially since they already knew, at least a bit each one.

"Why did you leave?", his voice sounded hurt, and that killed Changbin inside. "I woke up to you gone at like 06:00 in the morning Changbin, I was so fucking worried."

"I'm s-sorry...", he let his head fall and Felix walked to him, pulling his chin up.

"Do you regret it?", he whispered, locking eyes with him.

"N-no, I don't I just... fuck..."

Felix cupped his face and made him look him in the eyes again.

"Are you sure? You had drank be-"

"I'm sure, okay. That's the only thing I'm sure of right now."

Felix pulled away, startled by the sudden change of humor.

Chan and Jeongin turned to the guy as he got up, trying to walk away.

"Stop there.", Chan's voice was too serious for him to disobey. "I can't believe you, Chagbin. He's scared because he thinks you'll just leave now and probably go back to that girl or something, I'm not sure but please collect your man.", he spit to Felix, who's expression changed immediately.

"Jezus, Changbin.", he pulled the guy into a hug and let him wet his shirt without even complaining. "You're such an idiot."

The shorter felt embarassed.

He couldn't feel like this.

They were going to separate in no time.

"Are you going to school today?", Changbin shook his head. "Okay, I have an exam but how about I come over after and we talk about your stupid head and thoughts?"


Felix smiled and lifted his chin, leaning in to kiss the shorter. He kissed him sweetly, cupping a side of his face as he moved his lips against him, his thumb rubbing against Changbin's cheek. It felt like magic to the shorter. When they pulled away, Felix kissed the tip of his nose.

"I hate that you think I'll leave like that, specially after what we did."

Changbin felt his face rose up and tried to hide it.

"Guys, I'm getting my shirt in and we're leaving, I'll give you a lift, Felix."

Jeongin nodded and left a plate on top of the table.

"Your breakfast mister cry baby."

Changbin rolled his eyes as the younger disappeared to the living room.

"See you later, baby."

Felix pecked his lips again and left him.


A week later, Changbin found himself on Felix's sofa again, the taller had his arms around him and Changbin played with his chest, drawing shapes on it as he heard his heart beat.

He had a lot on his mind again, even though they had had a great week.


The taller looked down, a smile creeping on his face immediately.

"What, baby?"

Changbin bit his lip and leaned in, kissing him.

He felt this guy smiling into the kiss and pulling him closer, kissing back. They took their time, lazily lying on the couch as their hands wandered on each other, breaths meeting and hearts beating together.

It was like heaven.

Changbin pulled away and got up, pulling the taller with him.


Felix let himself be pulled upstairs, his eyes widening as the shorter pulled him against the wall, kissing his neck like he never had before.

Felix smiled at the needy boy, pulling him closer.

"Come on, we don't have much time until my parents get here."

Changbin almost screamed as he felt the ground being taken from his feet, Felix carrying him to his bedroom and throwing him on the bed. He went back to lock his door and jumped on top of him, tickling the guy for a while before kissing him again.

An electric shock ran though Changbin's body whe Felix started moving against him.

"H-how much time d-do we have?"

"I'm not sure.", he sucked the skin on the shorter's neck. "B-but not much."

"Then please hurry and fuck me."

Felix gasped at the request, his hands immediately finding their way to Changbin's belt, unbuckling it and undressing the shorter.

"Where did all that confidence came from?", he chuckled when the guy under him rolled his eyes and pulled him into a kiss, only stopping to let their shirts leave their bodies.

"Shut the fuck up.", Changbin felt his whole body shake when Felix leaned to the side, getting the line and grinning at him.

They were both only on their boxers, breathing fast and needing each other.

Felix put his index finger on Changbin's entrance and leaned in, capturing his lips in a kiss as he entered him, making the shorter gasp into the kiss.

Changbin gripped his shoulders and let out a moan as he started moving slowly, to make sure he didn't hurt him too much.

"Let's have some fun, baby, shall we?"

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