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My head hurts like hell but it's 19:49 and I can't go to sleep now so I'll just write a bit hahah.

Alexa play Snooze by Lucy.

"You're one horny mother fucker, Felix.", Hyunjin scoffed as he knew about their deal. "And you, Changbin, don't you know what studying is? I can't even begin to tell you which one of you is dumber."

"Calm down.", Felix glared at him as Changbin began sobbing again.

"Shit, no, I'm partly joking, Changbin. Shit, sorry.", Hyunjin almost got off his chair, worried for his friend. "But how does she know?"

"I only realized that a bit late. When she came to my house to work on the project I had the tab opened, I had hacked into the school's system and I had just finnished changing it a bit up, she must have seen it. Today I saw her before I was able to cover my hickeys, she must have just assumed everything because of yours after.", he tried to look at Changbin's face but the latter kept on hugging him. "I'm sorry, baby, I should have been more careful."

He only realized what he had said after Hyunjin's eyes widened slightly, but it had became such an habit he almost didn't have the will to stop it.

"It's okay, there's n-nothing you could h-have done.", he finally pulled away, wiping the tears. "It's my fault for even asking you."

"Oh shut up.", Felix cupped his face, making their eyes lock. "I told you I hate it when you blame shit on yourself, didn't I?"

Changbin sighed and nodded.

"What are we going to do now?", Hyunjin crossed his arms.

"I mean, she has no proof.", Felix turned Changbin around, making him stand in the middle of his legs as he totally sat in the table now, his arms around the shorter. "The worst that can happen is she telling the school and them checking the marks, they would notice it doesn't make sense, but they won't get to any conclusions. That I can assure you."

"So, we just kill her? Great, I'll dig the grave."

Felix and Changbin laughed at Hyunjin's statement.

"Sounds good to me.", the taller winced as he got a slap on the arm from Changbin, hugging him tightly after.

Hyunjin looked between them with a smile.

"And how is that situation now?"


Hyunjin nodded.

"You two, that stress relieving thing."

Changbin felt his heart speed up.

"Why do you mean?"

"It's still going?"

"Yeah, it goes until he has a grade good enough.", Changbin looked down, Hyunjin smiling at the gesture.


"If you say so. I'll get going then, but if you need me to dig a grave, I'll be here, me and my shovel."

He winked at them and left the room.

"Baby?" Changbin turned around and the taller kissed him, pulling him closer and letting their lips sweetly dance against each other. Changbin's hands moved to cup his face, a few last years falling and making the kiss salty. "I promise you, it's going to be okay.", he brushed Changbin's bangs and smiled at the guy, a smile that killed Changbin inside. "She won't do anything to you."


Changbin let Felix kiss him again, knowing this was him.

The person Changbin wanted to spend his days with, forever.


Chan got back from visiting some family at night, meeting everyone at Jackson Wang's party, drinks in hand and smiles plastered on their faces. He surprised everyone as he leaned in to kiss Jeongin in public, even the younger jumping slightly.

"I missed you.", He said as they pulled away.

"Oh God, Chan.", the younger laughed. "I missed you too."

"Was I living under a rock these last few months? When did that happen?", Seungmin was staring at them wide eyed.

Chan shrugged and hugged Jeongin's waist, bringing him closer.

"Maybe you were really living under a rock, who knows."

Felix had his arm around Changbin's shoulder, just like normal friends do. But Hyunjin had spent the whole night so far looking at them, catching every stare, every glance and every smile.

"Oh the devil is coming.", Minho rolled his eyes and intertwined fingers with Jisung." Again."

They all turned to see Jala coming, two of her minions after her.

"What do you want now?", Hyunjin immediately spoke, his protective ass jumping from the sofas they were in.

"Chill, princess, I came to talk to Changbin."

Felix only pulled Changbin closer, still by his shoulder.


"Alone, I mean."

Felix scoffed.

"Yeah, no. No wa-"

"Okay.", Changbin got up, smiling softly at the taller. "I'll be right back."

She smiled weirdly and pulled him to a corner, throwing him against the wall.

"Listen here. I know telling the school your little situation isn't going to work, but if you don't stay away from him so I can shoot my shot, I'll tell it to his beloved parents.",she grinned. "Imagine how they would react if they knew their own son forces people to have sex with him in exchange for hacking the whole school system and change a grade."


"Shush, slut. Are we understood?"

Changbin took a deep breath, closing his eyes so that the tears wouldn't fall.

It made no difference.

Maybe it would make it easier.

He couldn't let Felix get hurt like that.

He sighed.

They needed to stop anyway, the deal was over.

"We are."

Ha ha ha, don't beat me up <3

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