Chapter 61

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This emotional pain hurts
Making me physically in pain making me mentally drain .
Its like am in this cycle
One minute am okay
Next minute am screaming in pain

My mind like
Got so many voices in it
So loud
Can't self ignore it anymore

🤦🏾‍♀️i fucking tired .
I want my father
Why couldn't i be fucking good enough to be a priority to be loved to be protected .

Why i had to be rough
Why i got be always angry especially when i know am giving up.
I want be love but the love that i so need i can't get cause i guess they don't know how to love me .😕

Its like there's this side of me when i feel like this i wish i had my dad , like how the other kids could go and tell their dad what's wrong and  will listen and will be there and show the child love .

Its like this child inside a cage dying cause it didn't get the love it deserve
Begging ,trying be the best it could,
to be loved ,to be proud of
But its never enough
That child is me ,
Why did i had to be not good enough 🤦🏾‍♀️

~V thoughts ~

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