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Hello everyone! It's been about 4 years since I have truly looked at this account and I have finally decided to come back to it! However, there will be quite a few changes. Before I continue further with my stories (which I will, do not worry) they will be going through a HUGE update. I started writing these stories when I was very young so there are a lot of grammatical errors and a lot of things in general that I'm not happy with.

That being said, "I Hate You" and it's sequel "Hey, I Still Hate You" will be completely rewritten. They will stay up for now, but as soon as I get far enough into the rewriting process (that I have already started) I will probably take them down and start uploading the new versions. It will be much longer and much more detailed so I hope you look forward to it! For "Be My Escape" on the other hand, I'm actually still quite happy with that story as I started and completed writing it while in high school. So I'll probably just fix the grammar and then fix any continuity errors that I might make while rewriting IHY and HISHY.

I have made a ko-fi for donations/tips! If you guys would like to support me is where you can do so ^^ I understand that Wattpad has a coin system now but I have no idea how it works lol

Thank you guys so much for the support and love you have continued to show my stories through out the years. I hope that you will enjoy the new versions of my stories and my future writing just as much <3

~ Minnie (ThatLonelyGirl)

P.S. If you guys would prefer that I just update this story (and do a bit of comment cleaning) instead of completely starting a new book let me know! I think it would be easier to view the new content as it's being uploaded but I realize that it could be a bit inconvenient for first time readers or re-readers. If I do just update this story it would be all at once though so there's no drastic writing/story changes between chapters.

I HATE YOU {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now