Meeting the Parents

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Chapter 22

Meeting the Parents

{Dylan's POV}

Zack had been going crazy all day yesterday and still is this morning. I don't know what it is about his parents coming that are making him feel this way. He knows that he can tell me anything but he's holding back something. I watched him fidget on the couch. Every few seconds he would blink, fix himself, then look at the door to see if they were here yet.

I sat in the love seat across from him, just watching him. He did it again and I couldn't take it anymore. I got up from my seat and walked over to him. I grabbed his face in my hands and planted a kiss on his lips. He responded back after a second. Finally he let himself relax and enjoy the kiss. I pulled away to see him pout a little.

“Zack, stop worrying! Everything will be fine!” I said. He sighed giving up and I sat next to him and held his hand.

“I know... I just, I don't want them to be mean to you.” I said resting his head on my shoulder. I rested my head on top of his.

“What do you-”

“WE'RE HOME!” I was interrupted by the sound of the door busting open and making us jump a little. Zack looked at the door to see his parents being swarmed by the maids and others. Zack stood up and ran over to his mom. Attacking her in a hug. I smiled slightly.

“Mom! Dad!” They all got into one of those family moments I always suspected were nice. To me it didn't fit that much seeing as his bond with his parents seem like the one of a normal family, not at all like the rich busy type of family I would expect.

He lead them over to the living room as I stood up.

“This is Dylan. My b-boyfriend.” Zack stuttered lightly. I shook hands with his dad and his mom gave me a hug.

“It's nice to meet you.” I said and flashed what people called an award winning smile.

“Oh, so formal! So he is the Dylan that you couldn't stop raving about because of his 'good boy ways'? Now I know you don't like good boys and what not, but I mean... have you seen this one!? Just look at his muscles!” she said while poking at my arms and stomach. Zack's face started turning a bright red color that I've never seen him turn before. It looked absolutely adorable on him. Zack's dad pulled his wife's hands away from my arm, rolling his eyes.

“Now honey... I think Zack's had enough of your fan girl time!” He said leading her way.

“NO!! Wait, I promise to stop touching him!!! But please let me ask Zack two little things! PLEASE!” she said struggling against Zack's dad. He sighed but eventually let her go and she ran over to us.

“Oh Dylan, by the way, my name is Delilah and Zack's dad is named Sam.” She said sitting down with us on the couch as she was getting ready to ask Zack some questions, “So Zack, I’m assuming that you gave up your cycle... so will we still be able to see Michael!?”

“God, mom it seems like you love him more than you love me! But yes you will be able to still see Michael.” Zack rolled his eyes at Delilah's bouncing on the couch. Wow, it did seem like she liked him a lot. Maybe that's why Zack was worried. That because I wasn't Michael or something that they wouldn't like me as much.

“Ok next question. Have you guys done it yet?” I saw Zack turn a brighter shade of red than before, giving Delilah her answer. She grinned and looked at me raising her eyebrow. I smiled back at her and she winked. Translation:

Delilah: You fucked him?

Me: Maybe.

Delilah: Ok, I know you enjoyed it!

“Will you guys stop having a silent conversation about our... sex!” Zack said his blush becoming almost permanently on his face. I kissed his cheek that was scorching hot.

“You look so cute right now.” I whispered to him. He glared at me but I still found the burning red across his face so adorable. I heard his mom giggle as she started getting up off the couch. Zack decided that he should start breathing again as soon as she was out of the room.

I grabbed his head and turned it to face me. Leaning down I captured his lips. I couldn't help it, he looked so … cute. And he never looked like that. Well, I mean of course he's cute, but I've never seen him so embarrassed. Red defiantly was a good color on him. I must remember that!

A/N  And ya, I know it's short but hey, I don't know anyother way to end this thing! >.< Haha, But really the last chapter is coming out right after this because I finished it all I have to do is find music and pictures! I like Zack's parents too bad there gone all the time with work. :(

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