The Beginning of Something New

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Chapter 23

The Beginning of Something New

{Zack's POV}

I walked hand in hand towards the school with Dylan. It was Monday, and I didn't want to come here. But, I knew that I couldn't push this back anymore than I already have.

“Well, here goes nothing.” I said.

“Really, Zack, you're making this way more dramatic than it is!” Dylan said giving my lips a quick kiss. I groaned inwardly wanting more. I always wanted more but I contained myself. We walked through the doors and eyes were all over us, and whispers going every which way.

“You know that just because you whisper doesn’t mean that they can't hear you, you pen heads!” Kimy said coming to my side. Yep, we still rule this little kingdom called High School. But from now on, I had a partner. I smirked at Michael as we walked by and I saw that he finally got a football player. About time!

We all sat in our seats in first period, a few girls coming up to ask about me and Dylan. A few asking for a show. And even though I heard a few groans and complaints from the girls boyfriends, I saw them watching us almost more intently than there girlfriends. I told Dylan about it and he laughed looking at some of the guys to see them shifting uncomfortably in there chairs. Kimy noticed too and we all started laughing about it.

At lunch Michael came and sat down next to me, with the biggest smile ever.

“Ok, either someone just got laid or your trying to creep us out with that huge ass smile.” I stated and Michael slapped my arm.

“Oh shut up! And I did get a few numbers...” he said waving more than a few slips of paper in front of my face.

“Holy shit! Michael... you've got like, half the football team in here! And... oh Michael, you hoe! Your stealing boyfriends!” I said grabbing the phone numbers out of his hands and looking at the names scribbled on there. He smirked at me.

“You see, with you being taken I’m the top hoe now!”

“Wow Michael, you seem so proud of that.” Kimy said rolling her eyes.

“Damn right I am!” I laughed at that.

“Just make sure that you don't use any of those phone numbers.” Dylan whispered. I rolled my eyes and shoved the numbers back into Michael's hands. I grabbed Dylan by the shirt and slammed my lips to his. He responded back immediately, and I traced my tongue over his bottom lip and he opened up. I explored his mouth for a minute before I pulled away.

“Your mine, and I’m yours ok? So don't worry about me leaving you baby! Because I won't.” I said starring into his eyes. Oh my god, how cliche can this get?

“Aww, look at you too! Your just so cute!” Kimy said from somewhere across the table. And thank you Kim for making this way more cliche than it already is! The rest of the day went well. Dylan and I got way too many fan girls coming up to us. Kim and Michael literally had to rip girls and guys off of us just so we could leave the building safely.

We ran off from the school ditching the limo that my mom had sent for. We let Kim and Michael go though, I know my mom will appreciate seeing Michael. I swear she loves him more than she loves me! I’m just glad that her and dad like Dylan. I don't think I would be able to live if they didn't like him.

“Were are we going?” I asked Dylan as he seemed to know where he was going.

“It's a surprise.” he said as he pulled me along. We started walking into a nearby forest until we came to a clear opening. It was like a large field of grass with some wild flowers and I old – but still running – large water fountain in the middle of it all. It was really beautiful. I wonder how Dylan found this. I smiled turning to him.

“This is awesome! It's almost like Twilight!” We both laughed and he started to chase me around the field. I laughed and ran over to the fountain, stopping. Dylan came crashing into me and we fell backwards into the fountain. I splashed water at him as we both started screaming trying to get air and win in the battle of the water fountain!

“Stop! Stop! I surrender!!” Dylan gasped frantically! I stopped and jumped up and down in victory. Dylan laughed at me before standing up and pulling me over to him. I smiled, calming down myself, my breathing and excitement. God, I don't think I've ever smiled this much! I looked into Dylan's eyes and I could see the sparkle behind them. I softly placed my lips to his in a loving manner. He responded back by lightly pressing ourselves together more.

After a few minutes we pulled away from the kiss and got out of the water. We laid down in the grass for a while air drying before we decided to head home. We walked towards my house holding hands as the sun was setting. I mean really? This is so cliche! But as cheesy as it is, I’m glad that it's Dylan that I’m with.

“Hey Zack.”

“Yes Dylan?”

“I hate you.” He said laughing.

“I hate you too.” I said laughing along with him. But we both knew that we really meant, I love you.

A/N  THE END. Ok, so as most of you should know... There will be a sequel! But that won't come out for a bit. Until then I will be working on "My Gift and My Curse" which is a werewolf boyxboy! So ya.. Ok love you guys! AND I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS STORY IS OVER :'( MY BABY IS DONE! *crys* Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this story and look out for the sequel which will be called, "Hey, I STILL HATE YOU". Haha, nice tittle right!? <(-.-)> [little voice in head: Your so stupid Jasmine...] Aww, that wasn't nice! Shut up you! >.< So. Love you guys! Bye!


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