Lust at First Sight

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 Chapter 8

Lust at First Sight

{Dylan's POV – Thursday}

Maybe I'm dying. Maybe not, but I'm attracted to my life long enemy Zack Lightning. He's been putting his flirting into overdrive and embarrassing in front of the entire class. Not to mention all the previous days touching and groping and that thing that almost happened yesterday. I didn't know why I pushed him away. I just didn't want him to do that. But at the same time I really did want it. And maybe that was it. It was because I didn't  want to come to terms with liking Zack that I pushed him away.

He walked in and sat down next to me. He blew me a kiss and waved at me making my face go red. I sunk more in my seat and tried to focus on the teacher. It wasn't very hard to do but Zack was poking me in the side. I ignored it. Then his hand moved lower to the side of my butt. Then he moved closer to me and rested his hand on my leg.

Ignore it, Dylan. Ignore it.

His hand keep going up until I grabbed it just a few inches away from my jeans button. I looked over to see that he was faced forward staring at the teacher as if he was actually listening. Yet his hand was over here feeling me up. I pushed his hand away from me and focused back on the teacher.

When the lesson was done, we had a few minutes of class left so he let us talk and stuff while he read some book. I turned around to Zack.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him, he just shrugged and twirled a piece of hair around his finger.

"I'm horny." I took a deep breath. "And I might be just a little bit high." Zack mumbled.

"Do you have to put your hands all over me though?"

"You didn't seem to mind." He said smirking. I looked at him for a minute before he pointed down. I looked down to see I had gotten excited form Zack's hand. I glared at Zack. He leaned in closer to me and put his hand on my inner thigh and started to lightly stroke my hard-on, "I can help fix that."

At this point I was turned on and ready to get out of here, so I jumped up and grabbed my stuff running to the bathroom. I could here Zack laughing at me along with a few other people who had been ease dropping in on our conversation.

I dropped my books on the table they have for our stuff and looked down at my massive hard-on. Damn it, Zack. What was I suppose to do about this?

"Fuck." I grumbled.

I heard someone step into the bathroom and give a light knock on the door frame. I looked up to see Zack.

"Hey." He said. I glared at him. "You ran out so fast I didn't get to finish what I started." He walked over to me and pulled me closer to him so that I was pressed tightly against him.

I wouldn't look at him. So he bit down on my neck in the right spot making me moan softly. I looked down at him to see him starring straight at me. His eyes looked slightly red and I frowned.

"Wait. You said you were high?" I asked without really needing a reply.

Zack rolled his eyes, "Wow. Took you long enough to realize that. And I thought I was high." He giggled.

"Jesus Christ, Zack. When did you even ... ? Are you like a drug addict or something?" Words were coming out of my mouth, but  I don't know how much of it was filtered through my brain first.

"Drug addict? No. Alcoholic? Maybe. I get high every now and then and use some ecstasy - but that's it. It just because your here that I'm like this. Now shut up and let me take care of this." Zack said pulling me back into a kiss and rubbing my had-on.

"Zack ... stall." I managed to breathe out. Zack groaned and practically threw me into the closest stall. That's when I went on over load. I leaned down to kiss him hungrily. He moaned in my mouth and pulled at my hair. I let out a groan as his hips grinned into mine. My arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him even closer.

He shoved his hands up my shirt feeling my abs. I pulled on his hair and broke the kiss, a light string of saliva connecting our lips. Zack's tongue broke it and he dropped down to his knees. He looked up at me as he started to pop open my jeans. And it was an image that became burned into my brain. This was really happening. It was happening right before my eyes and I didn't want to stop it. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to make of anything other than the thought of Zack's mouth around me. He pulled down my pants and lightly kissed the head. I shivered, and his hand pulled down my boxers leaving my length exposed to his hungry looking eyes.

He took me in his mouth and made me moan. I grabbed his hair in an attempt to stop myself from thrusting into his warm and welcoming mouth. It was a complete failure but I couldn't help it. Zack was really good at this. Way too good. It wasn't fair. He was taking everything down his throat so easily and that noises where driving me crazy. His eyes would never look away from my face. And it was unsettling. As I came with a last thrust into his mouth, he swallowed it all. He came up to me and gave me a quick kiss.

The bell rang, meaning it was time to go to the next class. Zack opened the stall to see some guy standing there. He was wide eyed and face red and Zack smirked at him. As Zack swayed out of the bathroom he turned back to look at me.

"See you at home." He said, smiling and gave a small wave. I sighed and pulled up my pants. The guy turned around to me.

"Umm ... Is he your boyfriend?"

"No... definitely not." I said mumbling as I walked to class. I could already tell I was walking 'home'.

A/N Yay!!! The party is in the next chappy!! So excited. <3 \(^0^)/

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