What's Wrong with Me?

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Chapter 5

What's Wrong with Me?

{Zack's POV}

I closed my door and got out my guitar. I played the same thing I always played. My phone vibrated and I looked at the screen. It was a text from Michael. It was about his party on Friday. I almost forgot, thinking about Dylan.

Why was I thinking about Dylan? I don't like him. I hate him. He is annoying and basic. And now he's in my home? Well I guess the home thing is my fault. But still. Dylan is stupid. With his face and his body and his fucking lips that are so soft. And his hair cut is really cute and his face when he's embarrassed is really cute too. And ... wait. What the fuck am I saying?

I heard a knock on my door.

"It's open." I said. Marie popped her head in. Marie was like a second mother to me. Because my parents are almost never around. She looked at me with 'sorry' written all over her face. I sighed.

"Two months." Marie said.

"Never disappoint."

"I know sweetheart... I'm sorry." She said coming into the room and closing the door.

"It's not your fault..." I said putting my guitar up.

"So who's your friend?"

"His name is Dylan. And we're not friends!" Anger burned inside me for no apparent reason. Dylan is not my friend. Sure he was good looking and a nice person. And he was a pretty good kisser for his first time. And everything about him screamed sex, yet he was an innocent little snowflake. Well, maybe not that innocent - but close enough. But he was my enemy. I hated him.

"Oh... so why do you offer your home to him?" She said sitting down beside me.

"That's what I can't explain to even myself." I sighed and we laid back on my bed looking at the ceiling. Why did I go along with his idea of coming over? Why did I take it as far as letting him stay with me? Maybe it was the way he looked when he said 'home'. Like that was the last thing he would call it.

"Do you maybe love him?" She said softly.

"Love? No. Like? I don't know... Two days ago I hated his guts, and now... after we..." I closed my eyes replaying the kiss that every time I see him I remember. I wouldn't look at him. I didn't want to remind myself about the new found feelings I found in this boy. Or were they there all along and I'm just now noticing them? Seeing that they've been there forever. Ugh, it's this type of shit that I hate dealing with.

"After what?"

I sighed before continuing, "After we kissed. I couldn't be mean to him anymore. Well, not as mean as before. I can't explain it... but it was probably just the heat of the moment. How could I possibly like him? You can't compare him to The Cycle because that's completely different. And you know I don't do love, Marie."

"I know you don't, but that doesn't mean you can just run from it forever." I could feel the small stinging in my chest. Why does life have to be so difficult!? I sat up. Marie nodded at the door. I felt hesitant, but got up anyway.

I made my way down the hall feeling like what took me about five seconds, was like a year. I slowly turned the door open and poked my head in to see Dylan sleeping peacefully. I breathed out. Finally able to breathe.

I walked in the room and watched the sleeping Dylan for a minute before I decided I should leave. I didn't want to though. I looked at Dylan's soft face, his lips slightly parted, his face a little flushed. Damn, why does he look so sexy!? It's frustrating. None of this made any sense. This was all too weird and sudden. And I was saying things without thinking. And Dylan being around was so distracting and there was no explanation for why I liked him. Or even why it seems like I like him.

My hand slowly brushed against his cheek and traced his lips. I sighed and walked away. Closing the door behind me. Ya, this is going to be a long week. But why do I wish that it would be longer than a week? What is wrong with me!

A/N SOOOOOOOOOO I can't wait for the party! I literally came up with it while listening to music a long with a few other scenes that are coming up! The next chapter is called, 'So you Wanna Make-Out?'. Haha, doesn't that sound interesting!? :D Until next time my lovelies! <3

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