Let the Games Begin

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Chapter 12

Let the Games Begin

{Dylan POV}

I stormed out of the house hearing all the noise form Zack and his company. To say I was pissed is an understatement. I was pretty much kicking everything and crying in frustration at the same time. I'm sure if anyone saw me they would think I was crazy. I sighed. Really? I asked myself. It's not like Zack is was going to change just because he took me in. He wasn't going to be caring about it.

I turned and walked down the street. Kim's house was about ten minutes from here. So I walked over to her house and took the time to clam down. I knew that once I got there I would break down again but still at least I could get through my explanation first.

I looked at the marble white door in front of me and rang the doorbell. A moment later when no one answered I rang again and again and again until the door opened but I was too upset to realize I was still pushing it until Kim took my finger away from the doorbell.

"Dylan... what happened to you?" she asked looking over me cautiously. I looked up at her and all I could do was whisper one word.

"Zack." with that sadness washed over her face. She quickly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I sobbed into her shoulder while she rubbed my back and lead me to the couch. She let me cry and cry until I had just about cried out. Giving me some water from dehydration. Then she quietly held me again until I pulled my head away from her side.

"Dylan, you need to tell me what he did to you." She said looking at me. So I did. From the first time we kissed to him bringing home his little toy. Kim closed her eyes, "I'm so gonna kill him."

"I just don't know what to do." I sobbed quietly. She looked at me and winched a little.

"Dylan, Zack's a player. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. And trust me for as long as we both have known him he's not going to change anytime soon." I did a double take at her words because of two reasons. One she was talking about her best friend like he was a piece of trash and Two, she said 'for as long as we have known him' which sounded like I had known him before high school. But I couldn't have had.

"What do you mean for as long as we've known him?" I asked. She glanced at me before giving me a weird look then a look of realization and shock.

"You mean you really don't remember the real reason you hate Zack?" she asked. I shook my head. She sighed, "Of course it would only be me that remembered it all clearly." She mumbled to herself.

"Remember what?" I asked.

She sighed before looking at me, "Do you remember anything from the few years after your parents died? Like when you first went to foster care?" Ok. So I had told Kim before anyone else about the foster care thing. But that's only because I knew I could trust Kim. I shook my head.

"Well then, you don't remember this. When we were littler, Zack, you, and me where the best of friends. You know like the three musketeers. But for some reason you thought that I was always closer to Zack and Zack always thought you were closer to me. Truth was that I loved you both equally. But being stupid guys you didn't think that it was possible. So you guys competed over me." She paused to let this sink in. After I nodded for her to go on she took another breath.

"Then one day in 3rd grade, Zack saw you kiss me on the cheek and went off. He was kicking and screaming and hitting everything. He pulled you away from me and that was the day that both of you swore to be enemies. Then Kerry came along and you moved away. When you guys meet back in high school, I thought that you guys would have gotten over the whole thing. But with Zack changing so drastically and you moving onto smarts rather than girls you guys just fell back into your trap of hate and cliche." She stopped. I stared blankly at her.

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