Watching You Watching Him

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Chapter 14

Watching You Watching Him

{Liam's POV}

“Did you see his face? Oh my god. And then how he was all shocked at the end!” Dylan was still raving about the thing with Zack that only happened about 30 minutes ago.

Zack. Yes I could see how Dylan would fall for someone like him. He had amazing looks, that I could care less attitude, and not to mention money. Not that I would expect that to be on Dylan's list of things he cares about. There complete opposites. And you know what they say; opposites attract.

When I first saw Dylan I was just as stunned as he was about me. I almost never worked with people that don't have to do at least a little something to help them be “more attractive”. Personally, I don't care for looks. But Dylan, Dylan could do. I have to keep remembering that I can't fall for anyone I’m helping. But I couldn’t help feeling something with Dylan. And it pains me to see Dylan try to go for someone who is going to hurt him. Because I was clear that Zack has no idea about why he feels like he dose for Dylan. And he'll keep fighting it until it affects his sex life.

I just smiled and watched Dylan eat his ice cream. I had taken him to get some after leaving Zack's house. I knew Dylan liked me, and he liked that I was helping him. But he just doesn’t know that how Zack's been treating him is not with love. It's not going to be love, ever. Or at least not until Zack sees that he actually is in love with Dylan.

“Dylan, why exactly do you want Zack?” I asked. He stopped mid lick. I felt a little awkward and dirty as he looked at me. I mean, he's already eating ice cream! You can't just ignore that fact that vanilla ice cream look a lot like something else. His eyes were pricing into me. They were so amazing the way the light reflected off of them, shit. I can't keep doing that. Losing myself.

“It's difficult. I mean, you have to see him at the right times. I know what your first impression of him was a bit rude and slutty, but then when your going through something and he sees... he's nothing but nice to you. I mean he did take me in.” he said looking down at the last part.

“What do you mean going through something?” I knew I shouldn't ask and I knew talking about the passed or family issues hurt but I wanted to know. He looked at my slightly before looking back down and biting his lip.

“My foster parents... well more like my foster dad use to hit me. And he raped me. Of course I never really told myself to count that as losing my virginity.” he said quietly. Anger boiled inside me. How could someone do that to him? Someone as sweet and kind and as good as him. He didn't deserve that. No one did.

“Well... I really have nothing to say to that. I mean, I’m really sorry that that happened to you. No one – especially you – should have to deal with something like that.” I said taking one of his hands in mine. He looked down slightly blushing. I smiled and we left after he finished his ice cream.

{At Kim's House}

“Are you kidding me!” Kim half whispered, half yelled at me. Dylan was asleep in the other room and she didn't want to wake him.

“I'm sorry! I’m trying to stop!!” I said. I had just told Kim about my feelings for Dylan. And like I thought, she didn't approve. I knew half of the reason was that she was trying to protect Dylan, and because she knows just like I do that his heart belongs to Zack.

“Look, Liam … I’m glad that you finally want to love someone, but it can't be Dylan. He's already confused about everything! And I don't want him to lose Zack completely. Because right now, Zack is seeing this as a game. I know he is. He's about to hurt Dylan a lot, and the only one that's gonna be there … is you. So please, please don't abuse that position.” Kim pleaded me.

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