Yamcha's Introduction

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"So yeah... what a weekend."

"Wait, did you actually die?" Vegeta asked Goku.

"Yeah, it was a bit much in my opinion. Anyway, I'm obviously the winner, so I think I'll do another solo. my next song is one I wrote about the moment I found out Tien Shinhan had tragically died. It's called "Wearing Orange to a Funeral". Please sing along if you know the words."

Tien was a massive-

The other fighters gave an uproar, stopping the song and Goku all together.

"Who decided you were the winner?" Krillin retorted.

"He wants another turn?" Piccolo questioned.

"Over my dead body!" Tien exclaimed in anger.

Meanwhile, Yamcha raised a hand while holding onto a microphone.

"Anyways, I'm pretty sure it's my turn next."

The other five turned to him.

"You!? Please!" Krillin said.

"Please tell me you're joking." Goku asked.

"Yeah, weren't you the one he truly loved? The one who gave him the son he so desperately wanted?" Vegeta mocked.

"Yeah, like, I gave him a daughter and he literally chopped my head off." Goku said.

Yamcha let's out a breath.

"Yeah, I know. I was lucky in so many ways. I was in love, I gotten news that I had a beautiful baby, Frieza was happy because thank Kami it was a Polar... and not a Polara." He wrapped his arms around him. "I was so excited for his first words, his first steps, not getting a good night sleep for the next three years." He chuckled sadly, his grin falling. "... But I never got to see any of that."

He looks up at the others.

"Y'know, people say that Frieza was cold hearted, not caring... And I'm not sure that's right." He held his hands up when Tien and Goku glared at him. "Now now, don't get me wrong, I know his time with the kings before me were hard but... they were also filled with fire. They raged and talked back, because they were proud warriors. Whatever rage Frieza had, they threw back... But I didn't do any of that. Instead, I stood by him. Like I was made of stone. It didn't matter how many stupid things he did. I was there, by his side. And that's... not because I was weak or scared. It's because... I loved him."

"So, Frieza..."

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