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Author's Note: Before you start reading, I have posted the Allegiances! I just forgot to publish it before, like, five chapters(shows how forgetful I am). You should find it in the chapter guide. Thanks for reading! Oh, and I love it when my readers give me feedback. It can be things I can improve on, praise, whatever. I want to get better! Don't be afraid to tell me things to do better(Unless you're being mean. I will not tolerate it.).

 "Rusty, Rusty look!" Lola mewed. Rusty looked up to meet Lola's silver eyes. Lola was perched on the fence that bordered their garden. 

"Oh, can you show me how to do that?" A brown kit with white paws said. 

"Sure Princess. I would if I could get down."

"Mom, Lola needs help!" Princess called out, her caramel eyes shining with amusement.

   "I do not!" Lola hissed in protest, "Watch! I'm going to land on my feet!" Lola leaped down from the fence and landed face first in the dirt. Rusty bounded up to her, his mother trailing behind him. "Lola, are you ok?" Rusty asked. Lola rolled over on her back and purred with amusement. "That...was...awesome! Rusty, you should try it!"

"Maybe some other time." Mother mewed, "Now don't do that again! You're not a rampaging wildcat!" Mother started licking the dirt off of Lola's face.

"Aww, but mom!" Lola protested.

"Haha! You landed on your face, you landed on your face!" Princess mocked.

"Princess, stop making fun of your sister." Mother lightly hissed.

   Rusty looked at the sun making its way down the sky. Day turned to night and soon enough mother was calling, "Kits! It's time for bed!" Rusty padded after his sisters into the house. The housefolk greeted them with open paws and mother started purring around one of them. Lola was picked up by a housefolk kit. She squealed with delight at being lifted off the ground. Soon enough, the housefolk left them alone. Mother leaped into the bed, beckoning with her tail that it was time to sleep.

"Kits, I have great news! I overheard the housefolk talking earlier. I understood some of what they said, and what they mewed was that other housefolk are coming to look at you! You'll have a home of your own soon, I'm sure!" Mother mewed.

"Ooo, really mom! That sounds fun." Princess mewed.

"Yeah, about as fun as you," Lola replied.

"Hey!" Princess hissed while Lola grinned.

   "Kits! Sometimes I wonder. You two fight more than males!" Mother mewed, "Now go to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow." Mother curled up in the bed and moved her tail around Rusty and his sisters. Rusty tightened into a ball, his family's warmth seeping through him. He shut his eyes and wondered if this feeling of love would ever stay with him in a new home.

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