Chapter Fourteen

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      Lilypaw's eyes widened, and she leaped to her paws. Stupid life of stars! Can't I just have a normal and relaxing moment for once in my life! Getting into a pounce, Lilypaw prepared for a fight. She revved her paws and leaped into action. Her teeth met fire orange fur and blood stained her tongue.  The fox started shaking her around frantically, trying to release Lilypaw's jaws. Lilypaw's teeth sank even farther into the furry fox's skin.

   The fox continued swinging its head. All the moving made her dizzy and she eventually let go. She stumbled as her paws hit the ground. Lilypaw shook her head and put her face back into a snarl. The fox revealed its teeth and made eye contact with Lilypaw. 

   "Can we not fight? I'm trying to help you, dumb kitty!" It snarled.

   Lilypaw broke her snarl and backed up in surprise. "How are you talking to me?"

   "Your ancestors have taught me your language."

   "Wait. StarClan taught you cat? Why would they teach a fox cat?"

   "So I can help you." The fox mewed in a bad cat accent.

   "And that would be..."

   "StarClan has asked me to help you learn how to use your powers. My name is Flame. I have a friend coming to help as well. She should be here soon."

   "Is your friend a fox too?" Lilypaw asked.

   "No. She's a phoenix. A moon phoenix."

   Lilypaw's eyes grew wide. A...moon phoenix? Impossible! 

   "Aren't those a myth? I must be hallucinating. There is no way a moon phoenix is coming here." Lilypaw looked at the ground.

   "I'm not so sure about that, darling." A voice said from behind her. Lilypaw turned behind her and found a...moon phoenix.

   "Yep, definitely hallucinating." Lilypaw mewed. This bird was a dark blackish-blue with spots of white on her feathers. Her tail was a shiny silver that faded into white. A silver crest also lined her head and her yellow eyes lit like fire. 

   She strutted towards Lilypaw and cawed, "Not hallucinating, darling, just shocked. I haven't made an appearance to a Clan in hundreds of years." The phoenix stopped walking to stand next to Flame.

   "How can I understand you? You're speaking bird." Lilypaw tilted her head.

   The phoenix scoffed. "Bird? I speak no word those weak featherweights chirp. I speak phoenix, a language that every species can understand. Even no-wings could comprehend what I say if I wanted to talk to them."


   "You call them two-legs, dear." The phoenix chirped.

   "Mahina, we should start soon. Lilypaw's Clan will suspect something if she's gone for too long and they cannot see her with her powers yet. It would be too much for their feline brains to comprehend." Flame meowed.

   Are you calling me, a cat, dumb? Lilypaw thought, slightly offended.

   "I suppose you're right. Let's test her first." Mahina's eyes glinted.

   Geez, what a day. She thought. "Uh, I don't really know how to use my powers."

   "Oh, don't worry about that, darling. What's your name anyway, kitty?" 

   "Lilypaw." She sighs. 

   "Can we hurry for real this time? I can smell cats coming this way. Actually, we don't even have time anymore! They're almost on top of us!" Flame says frantically.

   Mahina tsks. "Oh well. Meet us here tomorrow at high-moon. That is when your powers will be strongest. Alright, Flame. Let's-" The phoenix turns to look at Flame, but he was already gone. Mahina turns back to face me. "Ugh, dumb fox. See you tomorrow night, star cat." The big bird flys away into the sky, the bright sunlight swallowing her whole.

   Time to rest, finally. You know, compared to other things I've seen, this isn't that shocking. Lilypaw curls up underneath the willow tree. She falls asleep easily, the afternoon sun making her warm. Then she woke up. The sun was setting. Lilypaw stretches and begins to run towards camp. 

Wait. She skids to a halt. Flame said he smelled cats coming. I assumed they were from my Clan. But if no one came after they left, if no one came to wake me up...what was it? Who was it?

What cats was Flame smelling?


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