Chapter Two

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   Juniper turned around to face the dog. Oh boy, was it big. Its teeth glistened in the dusk light, and its black pelt was glossy and smooth. Juniper felt her neck fur and tail fluff prick from fright. With no other choice, Juniper turned tail and ran. She ran as fast as she ever could, narrowly avoiding a snap at her tail. When it looked like she would make it to the forest, a horrible feeling pierced her back. She was lifted into the air. The dog had gotten her. She yowled in pain as she started to bleed. 

   The dog shook her around in its mouth. But the dog's jaws slipped and accidentally let her go mid-shake. Juniper flew across the field and landed on her side. The grass became stained red with her blood. The dog was running towards her again, its teeth bared. If she didn't get help soon, she would die. With no other choice, Juniper yowled, hissed, and spat with her biggest efforts. The dog was almost on top of her. No cat or housefolk came to her aid. Well, I guess this is the end. She thought.

   Then out of nowhere, a group of four cats came running into the clearing. The cats were all toms, by their smell. The cat in the lead was a yellow tabby with thick fur and green eyes. The yellow cat battle yowled as he committed suicide leaping at the dog. Another tom with long gray fur and yellow eyes leaped after the yellow cat. The gray cat looked about 6 months old(Authors Note: six moons). The last cat was a ginger red tabby with dazzling green eyes. He ran up to Juniper in distress.

"Can you walk?"

Juniper tried to stand up and fell again with searing pain. "No." She squeaked.

"Graypaw! Lionheart! I need help!"

"A little busy!" Yowled the gray cat, which must've been Graypaw.

   The ginger tom left her to battle. Juniper sat in pain for minutes which felt like years. There was a pool of blood around her. She was dying. "Help...I need help..." She squeaked. Soon enough, a housefolk yowl was heard. A female housefolk came running into the clearing, a piece of twine in her hands. She hooked it up to the dog and swatted the fighting cats away. The dog left with little wounds, its tail in between its legs.

   Graypaw came rushing up to Juniper and mewed to the others, "She needs to see Spottedleaf, now! Help me!" The other toms came running. The yellow tom lightly bit her scruff, while the other two bit down on her collar. They dragged her across the field to the forest. "Thanks for helping, but it may have all been for nothing..." Juniper squeaked. The ginger tom mewed back, "No. Hang on, just hang on..."

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