Chapter One

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   The housefolk's yowl echoed around the cushion room. The brown door that led to the garden opened, and Juniper felt a sharp pain in her flank as she was kicked outside. She rolled through the grass and stopped as she hit a small tree trunk. Juniper sat up, the housefolk hissing at her to stay out. Yes, Juniper understood some housefolk language. She heard that saying a lot, to stay out, or stay away. The door slammed shut, and Juniper was left outside in the evening light.

   Juniper stood on her paws, wincing with pain from her side. She rammed the tree really hard. Juniper walked over to a puddle from yesterday's rain and looked at herself. Her silver eyes were dull with exhaustion and her yellow tabby fur was mottled and dark from dirt. Juniper took her paw and splashed her reflection away. Kitty life was nothing like mother described it. Juniper wished she could be curled up again with her and her littermates when there wasn't a care in the world.

   And her littermates...Juniper didn't remember them. But she knew they were kind and playful. They climbed fences together and played with the housefolk. She wished she had that feeling again. Juniper looked at the tall fence that bordered the garden. She walked away from the puddle and to the fence. Juniper summoned all the courage she had and leaped. Her face hit the fence and she fell. Juniper tried, again and again, all attempts failing. Juniper sat down in defeat. She opened her mouth to take in the scents of the garden when a smell hit her scent glands. Mouse! She thought excitedly.

   Juniper began tracking the scent all the way up to the catnip on the right side of the garden. The scent was muffled by all the catnip, but Juniper still smelled it. She heard a scurrying in the catnip, and a plump mouse ran out of the bushes. Juniper pounced and missed by a rat tail. It scurried into a tiny hole in the fence. The mouse was gone. Juniper's stomach growled. She was starving. Her housefolk barely fed her, sometimes making her go for days without food. I mean, it's not like the kibble tasted any good. They also hit her with their paws and just abused her in any way possible.

   Juniper stared at the hole. With new determination, Juniper prepared to leap again. This time, she made the jump. Juniper sat on the fence, surprised she made it with how weak she was. She scratched her neck where her tight violet collar was. She had always imagined running free in fields and the green forest past her house. A strong wind blew past, ruffling her fur. Maybe it was time to make that dream come true. To run underneath the stars and the trees. To hunt day by day and her belly full. I mean, it's not like my housefolk will miss me anyway, She thought, looking at the forest. 

   Summoning all the courage she had, she looked back at the house that had caused her so much pain and trouble and leaped into the field. Juniper needed a place to rest, so she made her way to the forest on the left. Paw step by paw step, she got closer and closer to the sea of trees. Juniper sat down to rest for a moment and took in all the new scents and sights. It was getting darker by the minute. Juniper would have to find shelter soon. She was about to get up again when she heard heavy panting coming from behind her. She opened up her mouth to smell, and the smell that entered her nostrils was horrible. 


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