Chapter Twelve

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   "Does anyone really give a mouse-tail about what Longtail says?" Lilypaw asked.

   "I think lots of cats do," Firepaw answered sheepishly.

   "Well, I certainly don't!"

   "I think we should listen to what Yellowfang has to say, though."

   "True, true. And with the look she's giving us, we should listen now." Lilypaw suggested. At that note, the two of them walked over to Yellowfang with heavy paws, not wanting to deal with her attitude. Yellowfang was still in a terrible mood, and she hissed, "Stop right there, kittypets!"

   Firepaw sighed. 

   "You can call us what you want. We're just trying to follow Bluestar's orders so we don't have to deal with you all the time." Lilypaw defended Firepaw and herself.

   Yellowfang gave Lilypaw a sharp glare and wheezed, "You are kittypets, though. Aren't you?"

   Yellowfang sounded like she needed a nap. Nevertheless, she was still being slightly annoying. "I used to live with Twolegs when I was a kitten," Firepaw answered.

   "Your mother and father, both kittypets as well?" Yellowfang tilted her head in question.

   "Yes, they were." Firepaw looked towards the ground.

   "And you, Lilypaw?" 

   "Firepaw is my brother. My kittypet life, on the other hand, was full of starvation, pain, cold, and no love whatsoever." Lilypaw narrowed her eyes.

   Yellowfang huffed at her words and spat, "Kittypet blood is not the same as warrior blood. Why don't you run home to your Twolegs instead of looking after me? It's humiliating, being fussed over by lowborn cats like you!"

   Lilypaw silently unsheathed her claws and mewed as calmly as she could, "Firepaw could go back. I can't. I have scars on my underbelly from my Twolegs. I was thinner there than I am here. At least I have a meal in ThunderClan."

   Firepaw flicked his eyes towards Lilypaw, a loving fire in his eyes. Then he snarled at Yellowfang, "Lilypaw's right. And it doesn't matter if we're kittypets or not. You'd feel embarrassed if I was a pretty she-cat or a dusty badger that took you to its den. You just can't stand the fact that you have to be looked after!"

   Yellowfang glared at them with bright orange eyes.

   "Well, you're just going to have to get used to being cared for until you are well enough to care for yourself, you spiteful old bone bag!" Firepaw finished.

   He's finally learned the ways of come-backs and backtalk! Good for him. Lilypaw praised in her mind.

   Yellowfang let out a harsh wheezing sound. Was she laughing? She shook and trembled, her tail twitching from side to side. What is this, a seizure?

   "Look, I didn't mean..." Firepaw began. He stopped as he finally realized that Yellowfang was laughing.

   "You both have some spirit." Yellowfang croaked. "Now, I'm tired and my leg hurts again. I need sleep and something to put on this wound. Go find that pretty little medicine cat of yours and ask her for some herbs. I think some goldenrod poultice would help. And get some poppy seeds too! The pain is killing me!"

   Firepaw turned away to Spottedleaf's den to fulfill the old she-cat's wishes.

   "Lilypaw, make yourself useful and grab me some food from the prey pile." 

   Lilypaw left to the prey pile. She found a fat mouse and was about to leave when Tigerclaw came up to her. 

   "Where's Firepaw?" He asked.

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