2 - Day and Night

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A/N AAAHHHH IM SORRY FOR SUPER LATE UPDATE!!! but I did write a really long chapter so I hope that makes up for it... also the song is one I have recently loved for no particular reason (has almost no relation to the story) so listen to that if you get the chance. OK ENJOYYY!!!

(Y/N pov) 

You stare out the window, admiring the sunlight as it reflected off the damp ground. Your head rested on your arm as the cold seeped into your sleeve. You jolted forward as the bus stopped in front of the school gate. The students quickly leave the bus, running down the steps to meet up with their friends. You take your time getting up and gathering all your stuff, before walking to the front of the bus. You give the driver your usual small smile and a mumbled thank you. You step off the bus and look around, preparing yourself for the normal, long day at school. You walk to the front gate, ignoring the few students still conversing among themselves as you self-consciously tug your right sleeve down. You say hello to the teachers as you make your way to your class, not bothering to even glance up at anyone else.

You finally make it to the closed classroom door, through the window you could see that the lights were on. You take a deep breath and enter your classroom, placing your bento box on the table in the back before sluggishly walking to your seat at the front. You situate yourself and pull out your planner, copying down what the teacher had written on the board. You check the small clock hanging above the board and sigh, noticing you still had ten minutes before your actual class started. You rest your chin on your left palm and stare outside the window, your right hand tucked under your lap. Your eyes start to water as you gaze at the kids smiling and laughing as they run around and jump into the large puddles of water, left by the rain from the night before. Pulling your head off your left palm, you use your left sleeve to wipe a single tear off your face. The bell rings, indicating class starts in three minutes. The students rush into the classroom, giggles erupting every so often from around the back. The teacher walks in as all the students speed to their seats, saying good morning all at once.

You sit through the lesson and write down the notes, trying to ignore the whispers coming from the back of the classroom. The teacher noticed this and turned around, scanning the room for the pair of talkative students. "Excuse me ladies, is there something you would you like to share with the class?" everyone's head turns to the back to see Elizabeth and Jocelyn, as they whisper who knows what into each other's ears. They quickly shut up as the class erupts in small giggles. At first they were embarrassed, but then a smirk appeared on Elizabeth's face, "we were just talking about y/n's new bracelet, isn't it pretty miss?" she smiled innocently. You would have turned around if they actually cared. But the giggles that followed told you otherwise.

You let out a sigh as everyone turned to the front to face you. You brought your hand down to your lap and tugged your sleeve down. "Ok guys let's not get too excited, everyone get back to work." The teacher kneels in front of your desk and gently holds her hand out. You bring your hand up from where you had previously hidden it and place it in her hand. She rolls up your sleeve and gasps, then looks back up at you with a bright smile. She stands back up and walks back to her desk sitting down, continuing the work she was originally working on, occasionally smiling at you. You smile back whenever she does so.


Finally, the bell rings. Everyone rushes to get their stuff and stampedes out of the door to claim a table in the cafeteria first. Meanwhile, you stay behind. You take your time packing your stuff, making sure you have all the notes copied down and double-checking you zipped your backpack. After grabbing your bento, you walk up to the teacher's desk and thank her lightly. She smiles brightly and replies with an "anytime". You smile back before walking out the door and making your way to the back entrance of the school. Once outside you climbed the hidden ladder onto the roof of the school. You sat down admiring the view as you ate your lunch. The warm sun had evaporated the water, leaving the metal box pleasantly warm when you sat down. The roof was always the place you went when you needed to relax. The way the sun hit you had always taken your stress away, even if it was just temporary.

Little Dino - Tsukishima x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now