3 - Aches and Pains (in the butt)

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(A/N) Hii guys!!! So here's the third chapter but I'm not gonna spoil anything so go read it!!! As for the dude who decided to try and put the blame on me for getting mad (you know who u r) please don't text my friends asking them to send me messages cause I blocked u. I never begged u to do anything except not text him and u did anyway, so don't tell me sh*t. And stop trying to contact me, I'm done with your poop. But I'm not wasting any more energy on you so please know, don't give f*ck. AS FOR EVERYONE ELSE HAVE AN AMAZING DAY AND ENJOYYY!!!!! 


(Y/N pov)

5 years later

Each step you made increased the desire to turn back, to go sprinting at top speed to what you knew. Nothing there was new, nothing there made you regret living. Nothing that made you think about them.

Today was the first day of high school. You were going to be a first-year, and you weren't excited. You always hated any type of social interaction, so the fact that it was strongly recommended that you join at least one club... Well, to say the least, it annoyed you. The crisp morning air helped calm you down, along with the music currently blasting through your ears. Bad Romance by Halestorm. You closed your eyes, enjoying the chorus, walking along to the beat. The song faded out as you opened your eyes, the sight before you making you freeze on the spot.

You forced your legs to move forward, avoiding anyone in the cramped courtyard. Your senses were hyperactive, picking up every movement and sound, every smell in the area. And it was overwhelming. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone stumble over and fall, hearing the sound of a basketball bouncing on the opposite side of the pavement. Along with the many snippets of conversation you could pick up, you could also smell the spicy noodles someone had, and the floral perfume that did not sit well with you. You continued walking towards the open doors of the school. Your mind registered that a green-haired boy and a tall blond were now walking beside you. There was suddenly a pinching feeling on your right wrist but you ignored it. You slowed down to let them pass, and they eventually did. Once they were safely in the school you followed, trying to find the vice principal.

You rounded the corner, attempting to find the gym. You had heard someone say they thought they saw the vice principal go into the gym. So here you were, wandering the halls in hopes of finding it. Finally coming across the gym doors, you sighed in relief. Walking in to see the vice principal talking to what appears to be the volleyball club, but that was before you noticed. Your breath hitches as you see it. The same multicoloured ball that helped you through the hardest. That kept you going. It's been so long since you held one. You used to be an amazing libero. Your hyperactive senses and inhuman reaction speeds would always allow your team another shot at a point. You stopped playing in your middle school years but you did continue to practice on your own. And your senses never dulled.

You spaced out, staring at the volleyball cart when suddenly a ball went flying towards the vice principal. Instinct kicking in, you found yourself in front of him. Having perfectly received the ball, it was flying in a satisfying arc towards where the setter would be. Then the stinging feeling on your forearm hit, and a wave of nostalgia hit you, you missed this so much. But you couldn't enjoy it. Everyone in the gym, including yourself, was frozen. Wide-eyed at what had just happened. It was too much for you to handle, everyone watching you, every breath you took, every movement you made, waiting to see what would happen next. You regained control of your body, and before anyone knew what was happening, you were outside the gym. Crouched against the wall, hugging your knees. Volleyball had always been your way to cope, but now you didn't know what to do. You still needed to talk to the vice-principal about your schedule, but you didn't know how to. So you simply ignored it and the world, by plugging in your headphones and blasting your favourite playlist.

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