8 - Hunger and Healing

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You tossed the ball towards Kageyama before sprinting and jumping right before the net. The wind flew through your hair as you jumped, your waist lining up with the top edge of the net. The ball came flying towards you and stopped just above your hand, you let it fall for just a second before slamming your hand down. The ball warped on impact with the ground as your feet touched down, almost silently.

"(L/N), you're our new trainer."


(Y/N) pov

You stared in shock as Daichi simply beamed at you, both surprised and impressed by your talent. As you stared back, trying to find a reply, Suga buds in and explains how you don't have to say yes, and that it was just an offer and not a demand (of course while he was glaring at Daichi).

"On one condition" you said, gazing directly at Daichi.

He prompted you to go on as everyone seemed to hold their breath.

"You make it so I can play with Karasuno whenever there's a match, practice or not. Make me part of the team, officially."

Daichi's eyes glistened with shock for a second before grinning and agreeing immediately, while Suga was beaming from behind him. Everyone was celebrating that they had a new member on the team, even Tsuki seemed a bit happier than usual, and the gust was doing backflips outside the window when no one was looking.

You were finally back in what you love. You were finally home. Though you didn't know it yet.


After endless hours of receiving and spiking drills, not to mention the immense amount of training you did with Noya, though you were arguably much better than he was, and overall just getting to know the team's strengths and weaknesses as well as the people themselves. It had been a very tiring first day of volleyball, and you could not be prouder.

There was this constant dull pain though, throbbing endlessly right beside your heart. The remnants of the first emotion attack when practice started. You missed Mamoru.

At the moment you were walking to your locker, with Suga following behind apparently to go to his locker, but you knew his "mama mode" kicked in and he didn't want anything to happen to a girl walking alone around the school way past closing time. You guys made it to your locker, and you grabbed your backpack and stuff while Suga was leaning against the wall.

Then the pain hit. Sudden and strong. Like there was a lawnmower shredding up your stomach.

You doubled over in pain as Suga rushed to your side, asking what was wrong. All you could do was clutch your stomach and hope it would pass.

The pain was familiar. It happened maybe every couple of months or so when you had gone days without eating. Usually it would dull enough after a couple of seconds that you could grab a snack to hold you off till there was more food around. But not this time. It had probably been close to 2 minutes and the pain was not subsiding.

Your vision was rimming red with the amount of strain your body was in, and Suga had no clue what to do. He went to open the nearest window, in hopes that the fresh air would help since he couldn't think of anything else to do. All the school staff had gone home since it was after-hours, sadly including the nurse.

As the window opened, Suga was nearly knocked off his feet by a very powerful gust of wind. His eyes widened as he realized the wind was going right towards you at full speed, and he didn't know whether to relax or open his eyes wider when instead of hitting you, it circled you in a perfect halo, slowly starting to glow. The brighter it got, the more visibly relaxed you got. Until you were lying on the floor with your side to the ceiling and your knees bent, seemingly sleeping. Suga didn't know how to react to anything that was happening.

The glowing ring of wind got smaller towards your body, and the second it just barely touched you, it exploded into a tiny amount of cold mist, then disappeared. Your eyes glowed purple for a second before going back to normal, and you took a massive breath in, then your breathing was mostly normal. You sat up clutching your stomach with the ghosts of pain left behind, which was nothing compared to the agony you were in before.

"What just happened- all I remember was being in so much pain and starting to lose consciousness then it wasn't hurting as much and the pain started to go away and then it was gone and I heard someone whisper "I'm here" and the pain was gone and next thing I know I'm waking up and I feel like I should know the voice but it-.........."

You gasped after that long ramble; it finally clicked in your head.

You knew the voice.

You knew that voice.

It's a voice you would never forget.

FIRST CHAPTER OF THE DAY!!!! I still have to go through and edit the other 2 but anyways point is all 3 are going up today! I have like 20 minutes before my lunch is over though so I gotta hurry- 

anyways hope everyone's having an amazing day and remember to eat and drink even a lil water today!


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Little Dino - Tsukishima x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now