6 - Lets Begin

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Not wanting to be the one to break the ice first, you just picked at yesterday's lunch, an odd feeling swirling through your stomach making your appetite disappear. As Sugawara glanced up at you, you knew what was coming.

And you were not excited.

(Y/N pov)

"...sooo you going to tell me why you have experienced more pain than anyone our age should have to deal with?"

You thought about how you were going to word this, because with the situation at hand, it would take more energy to try and escape then it would to just tell him. You look at Sugawara one last time before gazing at your food intently, not wanting to see the pity he would surely react with. You decided just laying it out there clear and blunt would be the best.

"My parents and grandparents died when I was five, I've been living on my own since, and my best friend was shot right before my eyes when I was 11, furthermore by my ex friend who suddenly started bullying me when I was young."

You sat in silence, giving Sugawara some time to process the 'everyone I cared about died' bomb. It was excruciating; to think about everything that happened to you. Mamoru was your best friend, the only comfort you ever had after everyone else died. Yet she too, was stripped away from you. And worse, before your own eyes.

Thinking about it made you mad. Jess was one of your only closest friends and yet suddenly she was mean to you. Bullying you every chance she got. When both your parents died evidently on the same night, things seemed to get better with her. Until you were alone in a classroom with Jess and Mamoru. Grade seven had been the best year yet, fun filled memories with Mamoru, dying of laughter from something that wasn't even that funny, and long peaceful days playing at the park, and no bullying. But in that wretched classroom, Jessica pulled out a gun and shot Mamoru. Right in front of you.

Of course she was let off the hook because her parents died, and because of her family's status and money. She didn't deserve to be free.

That day you started volleyball, taking out all your stress and sadness and anger on the ball. Receiving spikes till your legs couldn't carry you, spiking with all the power you could muster. It was the rest of grade seven that your senses were sharpened into what they are now. You quit when grade eight started though, too many emotions tied into volleyball and you wanted to forget it all.

"Are you ok?"

You looked up to see Suga staring straight at you, with nothing but motherly concern.

"Your crying"

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and your hand reached up to touch your cheeks, soon feeling wetness coat your fingertips. You quickly wiped your face with your sleeve as a small flurry of wind blew perfectly into your face, effectively moving all your hair out of the way. You looked down, slightly embarrassed from crying. That was twice in front of him.

Your eyes landed on the form in his hands, you almost wanted to say yes. Wanting to feel the volleyball sting your forearms once again. Volleyball was so much fun, and you got so good in such a short amount of time. There was so much emotion laced in with the sport, but you still wanted to play. Deciding you would try to untangle those emotions and play again, you gently gripped the paper, grabbed a pen from somewhere, and signed it.

"You're sure? I have a feeling playing again will bring back memories" Suga asked.

Your head shot up in surprise at how he knew that.

"How did you..." you trailed off, looking as perplexed as ever.

"Call it mothers intuition" he said with a smirk

Little Dino - Tsukishima x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now