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They all stare at the massive Order of Dawn compound below, taking a moment to come to terms with what they are seeing.

"So, uh, Steven... Do we have different definitions of 'small manor'?" Dinah speaks.

"I'm pretty sure the Order of Dawn's had a significant renovation," Camila says.

"I don't understand. I had no idea they'd constructed this," Steven says.

"When exactly were you here last?" Zayn asks.

"Only a few years ago, just to keep tabs on them," Steven says.

"And by a few you mean..." Camila trails off.

"Thirty?" Steven furrows his eyebrows.

"Oh, boy..." Dinah whispers.

"How exactly are we supposed to get through this? Even with these outfits, this won't be a walk in the park," Shawn says.

"We just have to keep going. We can't dwell on one setback," Lauren says.

"I'd consider this a pretty big setback," Shawn says.

"We haven't come all this way just to turn back now," Lauren scowls.

"Lauren is right. Let's move," Zayn says.

They all creep forward over the rise, being careful not to be seen or to make much noise.

At the bottom of the rise, everyone ducks behind a large truck.

Zayn peers around the corner. "Scientists, senior officers... And a hella lot of soldiers. It's going to be tricky getting through them," Zayn whispers towards the others.

"The front entrance is swarming with guards and they're checking identifications. There's no way we can get through," Steven says.

"How about a back entrance?" Camila suggests.

"Good idea," Lauren nods.

They all walk out from around the truck, attempting to blend in and act as they belong.

As they approach the back exit, Steven holds up a hand to stop them.

"It's flanked by guards but thankfully not as many as the main entrance," Steven whispers.

"I got this," Zayn says and steps forward with confidence in his Order of Dawn uniform.

The guards start to greet him but then they hesitate.

"Hey, I don't recogni-"

Zayn quickly bashes their heads together and they slump to the ground, unconscious.

Lauren helps Zayn drag their bodies under a nearby van.

"Nice work, my friend," Steven smiles.

"I could've done that myself," Shawn says.

"Now then... Let's get this over with. There's a bottle of wine back at home I'm looking forward to opening. One I've been saving for a special occasion," Steven smiles. He steps up to the metallic door. "And when we return... We shall toast to vic-"

And as he does, a series of hidden bulbs at the top flicker on, bathing him in a hot blue light.

"Oh, shit..." Steven whispers.

The lights blast down with a scorching ultra-UV light.

Camila jumps back and watches in horror as Steven is instantly incinerated, screaming as he crumbles to ash.

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