t h i r t e e n

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"so what exactly happened in the flower shop?" jimin asked reluctantly as he finished off the rest of his jello.

"i thought you would be happy, but i watched you leave the flower shop and break down. at first, i thought you were overwhelmed by your past memories, but i know there's something more to it."

taehyung sighed, feeling like he was pouring salt into a fresh wound as he recalled the way jisoo avoided his eyes to look at anything but him.

"when i entered the flower shop, she was arranging some bouquets in the back," taehyung started as he massaged his temples in an attempt to ease his tenseness, "i was oblivious at the time— just jaeho– but of course she would be taking care of sunflowers. they were always her favorite."

taehyung paused as he reminisced his time with jisoo in her dream realm– the only place taehyung was able to be with her. she always had a particular liking to nature.

he remembered her telling him that she finally felt free. sunflowers, she had explained to him once when they were lying on fresh grass with hand in hand, were the epitome of happiness.

"did you know that sunflowers grow to follow the sun?" jisoo had asked, turning on her side to face taehyung. "growing up, i've always wanted to be reborn as a sunflower so i could live my entire life under the sun's warmth– either that or as a piece of dust," jisoo confessed with an airy laugh.

"i'd join you, no matter what lifetime," taehyung responded as he gently swiped his thumb over her cheek. "hmm, if you were a sunflower, i'd be reborn as the sun so i could watch over you everyday... and if you were a piece of dust, i'd be one too and we could create our own dust bunny together."

taehyung smiled brightly as jisoo as she crinkled her face in mock disgust.

"you're so cheesy, it's kind of disgusting," jisoo giggled as she booped taehyung on the nose, "but i love you nonetheless."

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