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"year after year, i felt my loneliness surround me," jimin whispered solemnly as he picked up his head to make eye contact with taehyung.

"on the first day that you were gone, i remember thinking to myself that i wouldn't be your hyung anymore since you were reborn first," jimin chuckled pitifully, "when you turned five, i felt myself slowly giving up on the idea of being reborn with you."

"i abandoned my duties to cross the gates and watch you growing up from the clouds, just like how we used to people-watch when we were together," jimin's lips quirked up a bit at the memory, though his eyes still reflected his inner sorrow.

"i-" jimin paused, looking down as if contemplating his next words, "i think i realized in that time that we were– are... soulmates– platonic soulmates."

taehyung paused, his head still pounding from the onslaught of memories that viciously flooded into him.

he remembered.

he remembered feeling lonely despite being surrounded by a group of friends throughout his life. he remembered feeling like a piece of himself was missing until jimin found him and filled in a part of the gap.

it was a day where taehyung was feeling particularly empty. it was his second year of high school and he was sat at his usual table during his designated lunch time, surrounded by his usual group of friends but disconnected from the conversation they were having.

as he went to take a bite of his pizza, his thoughts entering a different universe, he was snapped back into reality by a soft thud to the back of his head. he turned around while cradling his head to see an abandoned bread roll on the ground next to his chair. a boy around his age was smiling sheepishly at him from the ground, a tray of what looked like spaghetti scattered across the floor tiles.

"i'm so sorry!" the boy apologized profusely, "i tripped over my own foot while i was trying to find a seat."

instead of retaliating, taehyung smiled widely as he offered a hand to the other. he couldn't be angry when the boy looked guilty enough.

"no problem," taehyung exclaimed a little too happily as he helped the boy up.

his friends stared at them curiously as taehyung scooted over on his seat.

"i'm kim jaeho and you're welcome to sit with me!"

jimin couldn't help but gleam brightly as he shared a seat with taehyung, introducing himself to taehyung's new group of friends.

he knew from the very beginning that taehyung would welcome him with open arms, and he couldn't resist "accidentally" chucking a bread roll at him in the process.

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