Chapter 1

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(A week later)

-Y/n's POV-

I got settled into the Malfoy Manor after the wedding.

No, we're not sharing a room as husband and wife. I have my own room, just next to his. I barely even left the manor, especially my room. Their Manor was rather cold, lonely, and gloomy. But, not all of the Malfoys are cold, there was my mother-in-law, Narcissa.

My only friend in the Manor was a house-elf who was assigned for my assistance, Aerin. She would sometimes stay with me in this very room for an hour or 2. She also would always bring my breakfast, lunch, and dinner here in my room because I never wanted to join with the Malfoys during eating time. I rather eat here in my room.

☁︎︎ ❀ ☁︎︎

Knock knock.

"Come in." I allowed.

Aerin came in while I'm sitting on the window seat, reading a book.

"Mrs. Malfoy, I-"

"Aerin, I told you already not to call me Mrs. Malfoy. Just Y/n would be ok." I smiled softly, turning my head to her and closing the book I'm holding.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Malfoy wants Aerin to call for Y/n for dinner." She told as I walk towards her.

"Aerin, please tell Narcissa I still don't feel like going down," I spoke, kneeling down to meet her eyes.

"Aerin will do." She then left.

I went back to the window seat and sat down as I gaze up at the night sky.

A tear came, streaming down my cheek. I thought about my parents, let alone my brother, if they're doing alright, if they have already eaten or if they're thinking of me.

I still do love my parents, but I just hated the way they let me marry off to a cold-blooded young man.

Knock knock.

I wiped out the tears from my cheeks and speak, "Come in."

Narcissa came in, walking towards me, and took a seat right next to me.

"Dear, you have been locking yourself here in this very room. You won't even join us in dinner. Tell me, what's wrong?" She asked me in her soothing voice.

"I'm sorry, Narcissa...I just don't feel ok." I muttered.

"Dearest, you can tell me." She smiled as I felt her hand on my shoulder.

I looked back at the window and didn't reply.

"I know you feel trapped in this marriage, but please know I will be here for you." She said. "Now come, Dinner is ready."

☁︎︎ ❀ ☁︎︎

We have arrived at the dining room. The food was already placed on the table, and Mr. Malfoy and Draco were already sitting.

"Finally, you have decided to join us." Mr. Malfoy smiled as he motioned his hand to the seat next to Draco.

Narcissa also motioned her hand, allowing me to sit next to him. I looked at her then turned away, walking to the seat next to Draco.

He didn't even smile or speak. He just only gave me his cold stares.

I sat down, letting out no word to him.

I finished my dinner quietly. Not many words were spoken out of my mouth. I only speak when I was asked something, the same goes for my husband.

To be honest, I have never spoken to my husband ever since the wedding. It was rather complicated for us to speak with each other.

I excused myself to the Malfoys and proceeded back to my room, quietly.

☁︎︎ ❀ ☁︎︎

Knock knock...

"May I come in?" Narcissa asked, taking a peek.

I nodded in reply.

She came in, approaching me while I'm sitting on the window seat.

"You don't look quite well at the dinner earlier. Please do tell me what's bothering you." She pleaded.

"Will I be also a Death Eater like Draco?" I uttered in the way of sadness.

"Dear, Y/n, I already promised your mother that you will not become one of the Death Eaters. I'm not a Death Eater too." She reassured. "I also promised your mother I would protect you from harm like your mother always did. Come here." She spreads her arm, giving me a hug. "You know, I have always wanted a daughter." She smiled, gently stroking my hair.

Then, we pulled away.

"I best be better be going now." She added. "Good night, Y/n." She smiled, then went out of the room.

I looked back at the night sky. Millions of stars shimmer above the sky. The stars are lucky that they have the freedom to see the whole world. I envy them.

I opened the window to look at the evening sky more clearly.

The wind entered the room as it went through my hair. I could see the gloomy garden from here and the forest that surrounded the manor.

I rested my hands on the window frame as my eyes took notice of the ring. My wedding ring.

I lifted my hand up to the air, looking at the gorgeous ring, and thought about what my life would be if this marriage continues. I heard his parents weren't forced into marriage, but why us?

Though I thought about divorcing my husband when few years have passed, but the thing is, it would be the talk of the town.

The idea of keeping our marriage a secret until our school year ends was already enough to feel relief in my body. But that relief won't last long.

I do not love him and neither does he. I know he loves someone. Someone he has been with through the years, but she was rejected by his parents because of the promises our grandfathers kept. I really wished I wasn't the only daughter or the first-born daughter in the family.

I closed the window back, locking it so that no thief or anything wicked would come in.

I dressed myself up in my slumber clothes, brushed my hair, braided it, and brushed my teeth. I let out a yawn as my eyes felt tired, almost closing my eyelids.

I laid down on my soft bed, staring at the dark ceiling, and remembered, tomorrow is the day we will leave for Hogwarts.

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