Chapter 44

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-Draco's POV-

The evening came all over the school. I have spent my whole day fixing the cabinet, especially when the end of the school year is nearly there.

I didn't even eat just to get the cabinet to be fixed, but I still failed.

Then, my eyes caught on someone running towards me, who seemed to be tired of running around.

Vincent Crabbe.

"Draco," he stopped from his pace, trying to catch his breath. "It''s Y/n....she's"

"She's what, Vincent?" I was eager to know, knowing that something had happened to her upon the expression that Vincent is giving me.

He looked terrified and worried.

"Vincent, she's what!" I exclaimed.

"She was pregnant. She's at the hospital wing. She just had a-"

Before Vincent could even finish his sentence, I found myself rushing to the Hospital Wing with worry drawn on my face.

She WAS pregnant. She lost the child that I didn't know she was expecting. Our Child.

She's already having a hard time on everything, and now...her miscarriage adds up to her burden...because of me...

I stopped as soon as I arrived at the hospital wing, and walked inside, looking and finding her in each and every bed.

"Mr Malfoy." Madam Pomfrey came, approaching me. "Are you here to see your- I mean...Ms Auclair?"

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Her friends and brother had taken her back to her dorm just this dusk." She told. "I'm so sorry about what happened to her."

Of course, they knew I would be the father of the child Y/n was carrying, for they knew about it since the secret was revealed, but only one Professor who knew all the time...Professor Snape. He had attended the wedding before, and only him.

He must have told them our relationship when she was rushed here. Indeed he has to. Professors have the right to know who is the father of the child that she was carrying.

I just lightly nodded.

She smiled back faintly and returned to her work.

I walked slowly out of the hospital, still stunned about what was happening this day.

I wished I never spent too much time on the cabinet just even for today, and maybe if I didn't, I was able to keep her on my watch, but all I did was to fix that fucking cabinet, lost in thoughts and blind about what is happening to her. I was too focused on that cabinet

My pace got faster and faster until I ran as fast as I could, wanting to see her and hug her tightly into my arms.

Then, I arrived at the front door of the common room.

I took a deep breath, knowing that many eyes will fall upon me as I walk to her dorm.

"Pureblood," I mumbled as the large door opened for me to enter.

Indeed, many eyes laid upon me. Some looked sorry and some were talking about how much she is a whore for getting herself in that kind of situation.

I looked at them furiously in the eyes and they kept their mouth shut upon seeing me, and many stopped whispering.

I walked straight up to the staircase that leads to the girls' private dormitories, then met Michael on the way.

"Draco," he greeted me coldly. There was no warmth in his eyes. Surely, he was disappointed that I got her pregnant. "Where were you all this time? Busy focusing on the cabinet?" He raised a brow.

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