Chapter 59

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TW: This Chapter may contain mature content. To those who are uncomfortable, you are free to skip it. Thank you!


-Draco's POV-

Y/n and I were sneaking our way down to the dungeons, holding our wands just in case someone had seen us.

We have reached down the underground of the Manor, where the dungeon was located. It was gloomy, cold and only droplets of water can be heard.

I have been living in this house for 17 years now and I have never sent foot, not even once, in this dungeon.

Then we heard mumbling voices coming down the stairs and one of the voices I recognized was the voice of Peter Pettigrew.

"I think they're here," she exclaimed in a quiet voice. "That must be their voices."

But before she could take a step down the stairs, I immediately grabbed her hand, pulling her to an open cage so that we wouldn't be seen by Wormtail, who is coming nearby.

"Draco, what are you doing? I know you are going to be hesitant about this, but this is-"

"Would you just shut up?" I rasped in a whispering way, leaving her stunned.

As soon as the man, passed by and his footsteps faded, echoing on the floor, I got out of hiding to check if the path was clear enough for us to go.

"We could've been caught if you proceeded on walking down the stairs. How dumb you were for not recognizing Wormtail's voice?" I scolded.

However, Y/n stood silently inside the opened cage, fiddling with her wand and looking down on it.

I sighed, knowing that I spoke in the wrong tone and wrong choice of words.

"Y/n, look, I'm sorry, but I just don't want us to get caught."

"Yes, I know," She uttered in a low and sad voice, avoiding my eyes as she walked out of the cage. "We best be better be going." Then, she made her way down.

I followed her behind, wanting to apologize, but I couldn't catch up, for she went down fast. When she finally stopped, upon reaching the cage's door, I took my chance to say my sorry but got interrupted when she used an unlocking charm to open the cage.

"Luna?" she exclaimed, surprised, same as I am, for seeing Luna in here.

Y/n ran to her, forgetting that she was here to help Weasley and Potter. She hugged Luna tightly into her arms and Luna did the same.

"It's nice to see you here," Luna's voice was still calm. "Oh, Hi Draco."

"Luna, what were you doing here? I've sent you a letter just this morning because I thought you're at your home with your father." Y/n said, worriedly.

"I was imprisoned here for ransom, but I'm alright."

"Ransom?" she curiously asked. "Ransom for what?"

"Someone's coming!" Alarmed Weasley, who immediately closed the cell back and taking the light out.

I pulled Y/n behind a wide pillar that could fit three people to hide.

Granger's screams reached out in here and made Y/n press herself to my chest, terrified of the scream.

"Let her go," Weasley hissed to the man, who came down.

"Shut up. Get back," Wormtail grumbled. "You, goblin, come with me."

The goblin obeyed and walked forward. Wormtail closed the door and they both went up, in which I presume that they are going back to the room, where we had been. As soon as Wormtail's footsteps can no longer be heard, we went out of our hiding.

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