Chapter 25

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I agreed to play Dart with Michael as my opponent.

He smiled and led me to the group, then noticed just now that he was playing with Draco's friends.

I wanted to back out, but Daphne just pushed me so I couldn't go back to my brother.

"Come on, Y/n. It's been a while since you last played one." She whispered, knowing that I wanted to back out.

I guess there's no turning back now.

I watched the others pick out their opponent inside the room, and I am the only female to play IF Theo won't pick a girl as his opponent.

He searched around the room, but his eyes landed on Draco, who is reading a book. He went over to him behind the couch, smiling so that Draco would agree.

"Whatever you want me to do, I'm not doing it," Draco said coldly, his eyes never leaving the book.

"Please, come on, Draco." He pleaded. "We haven't seen you play. I heard you're good at it."

I really wish he wouldn't.

I turned my head back to Michael and Daphne and started talking to them as we waited for Theo.

-Draco's POV-

"Come on, Draco, you're no fun at all." Theo pleaded.

"No," I refused.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and leaned closer to my ear with a smirk on his lips.

"You don't want Michael to steal your wife, right?" He whispered.

"Excuse me?" I curiously looked at him.

He pointed at Michael with the use of his head and I saw her again, smiling and talking to Michael.

"Don't show that you're mad, Draco." He told, patting on my hand that I didn't know that it curled up into a fist, and noticed my jaw is clenched while glaring at Michael.

"Fine," I finally gave in.

-Y/n's POV-

"I found my OPPONENT!" Theo shouted in excitement.

I turned my head to him, only to realize his opponent was...Draco. Too much surprise life can be.

He stood up from the couch and made his way to us and even caught me staring at him, but I immediately took my eyes off him.

"Ok, Blaise, you start." Said, Adrian.

Blaise let out a smile and picked up three darts, walking 2 meters away from the dartboard.

He picked up one dart from his hand, pointing it to the target while his one eye is close as he focus on the red dot on the board, the target.

Girls started swarming around, watching them play.

And yes, I feel uncomfortable for being just the only girl to join. I wish I didn't accept Michael's offer.

Player by player, the girls stood on the side, squealing in excitement and I even heard someone speak in a different language, french. Blaise had won from his opponent, Adrian got defeated, and it's Theo and Draco's turn.

Theo stood 2 meters away from the dartboard, and picked up one dart and shot it to the board. Then, again to the next dart, and to the last. He didn't hit the target, but one of his darts almost hit it.

Draco took his turn, taking the three blue darts on the table and went to his position.

He rolled up his sleeve on his right arm and lifted his hand, pointing the dart on the target. His arm showed how muscular he is that even his veins showed on those hands like it was sculpted by Michelangelo, himself. It was just his arm, but it could take away many ladies' breaths, and faint to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, Draco had shot his first dart.

Bull's eye! He hit the right target. He perfectly hit it.

He picked up another one and raised his hand and shot it on the dartboard. This time he's almost to the target, and the last, he hit it. He won.

The students around us clapped upon his victory, but he doesn't show any emotion in his winning.

"You picked the wrong opponent, Michael." I heard my brother say, who I just noticed now that he's standing next to Michael. "She had beaten me many times on this game."

As Michael was about to speak, he was called by Theo so that our duel could begin.

Michael went over to the table and picked out his darts. Then, he went to his position and raised his hand, the dart's end pointed to the board, then he shot it. Then another, and another. He got the target twice, the same as Draco. The only difference is Draco has the highest score.

Michael looked at me and allowed me to take my turn.

I walked over, female students shot me with their eyes, which I do not know what was the reason. I picked up the three yellow darts and stood 2 meters away from the board. Then, I lifted my hand, holding the dart as I pointed it to my target with my one eye open. Then shot it.

Bull's Eye!

I picked another and shot it again, it's another Bull's eye.

I heard my surroundings clap and cheer, but went silent as I was to shoot my last dart.

Bull's Eye!

"Well done!" Theo clapped, very amused.

Michael walked over to me with a smile on his face, showing those dimples on his cheeks.

"So your brother wasn't lying. I guess I owe you 5 galleons." He chuckled.

"I think you do." I chuckled too.

Then noticed Draco from the corner of my eye that he's shooting another glare, a furious one, I suppose.

"Elle essaie juste d'impressionner," I heard someone scoffed, speaking in french. (Translation: "She just trying to impress.")

I turned my head to the voice, only to see two female students with scowl expressions on their faces as they looked at me up and down.

"Elle a dû penser qu'elle est jolie." Said the other girl. (Translation: "She must've thought she's pretty."

I turned to them, my arms crossed to my chest and spoke, "Je pense que tu es juste ici parce que vous vouliez vous faire remarquer par Michael." I raised my brow, looking at them. (Translation: I think you're just here because you two wanted to get noticed by Michael."

They look shocked and couldn't utter a word. They must have really thought I couldn't speak french.

"Je vous ai entendu tous les deux crier à cause de Michael, et si vous pensez que j'essaie d'impressionner, regardez-vous d'abord. C'est tout à fait impoli de me lancer un mot absurde." I spat. (Translation: "I heard both of you squealing over Michael, and if you think I'm trying to impress, look at you first.")

I heard both Michael and Draco let out a snigger, making me look at them.

"Che stronza," I heard the girl speak under her breath, speaking in Italian. (Translation: "What a bitch.")

"C'est tout à fait impoli de me lancer un mot absurde." I turned back to them. "Posso capire anche l'italiano." I spoke in Italian too, giving them another shock. (Translation: "It's utterly rude to throw me some absurd word." & "I can understand Italian too.")

I raised my brow and gave them a sarcastic smile before I left the common room, heading up to my dorm. My brother and Daphne followed.

I think I just regret doing that. I just caused a scene and I have never done that. I don't know what came to me.

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