- ii - Move? Where? AWAY?! -

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Valorie's Pov

Still 10 years ago

I woke up. I could see the sunlight glowing up the room. I was excited because i was going to the playground again with Alex. But then, it hit me.

"OH right I'm not allowed out the house"

I guess I can call Alex instead. Well, that's what I thought.

I run downstairs and see Mom. "why is she just sitting there" I mumbled to myself.

It was weird since mom would never be seen just sitting and doing nothing, she was always doing something.

"Oh- Uhm yes Hunny?"
"What are you doing"
"I- uh Hunny I don't think I'm the right person to tell you this"
What is going on? I thought.

"Well, then who should be the right person to tell me "this?" I said sarcastically.

I realized it wasn't a joking matter.
"You should ask Alex, hun"

Mom just nodded and formed her lips into a thin line. I walked away. Confused.

"What's Alex got to do with this?"

I walked to the landline and put in Alex's phone number.
"The number you have dialed is no longer existing. The number you have dialed is no longer existing."
"You should go to their house," mom said.

"Mom, my punishment. Even you forgot it"
"Oh, Hunny please just go to their house please?"
"Oh- i- Uhm ok"

Mom was never like this what was going on? Is someone dead?

Thankfully there were no dead people. I walked over to Alex's house which was conveniently just next street. Our houses were back to back so we kinda shared a backyard. I reached his house. Not surprising, I was confused.

"Why is the house so empty and why are there boxes everywhere?"

I walked towards the front door and rang the bell.

The door opened. It isn't Alex who opened the door but it was his mom.

"Hi, Mrs, (pretend Alex is his Lastname it's weird if I make up a name) Uhm do you know where Alex is?" "haven't seen him since yesterday," I said with a little smile on my face trying to cover up the fact that I was confused about everything that was happening.

"Oh my goodness you poor little thing. He didn't tell you"
"Uhm tell me what" I said with a slight chuckle it obviously wasn't real.
"Valorie right?"
"Yes that's me"
"We're moving back to Mexico tomorrow. We packed everything today."
"Wait he never mentioned anything about moving when was this planned?"
I asked slightly freaking out.

"3 months ago Valorie"
"You should head back home ill talk to him," she said with a comforting smile. She knew me and Alex were best friends. But were we really best friends? I mean like he never told me he was moving to Mexico. Let alone it looked like he never planned on telling me. It looked like he was planning on disappearing.

I walked back home and just sat on my bed, nothing else, just sat there, no thoughts (head empty).

a/n: KDJSFJSNCJA I KNOW I SAID CHAPTER 2 WAS GONNA BE SHORTER THAN CHAPTER 1 BUT I GUESS IM WRONG LMAO  (I just realized that chapter 1 has more words lmao I'm so wrong)

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