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rossi: this angle is smaller than a right angle, which makes it acute!
rossi: it's easy to see, even if you're obtuse.
rossi: i use wordplay to hide the pain.

morgan: do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot? *finger guns*
reid, with a severe sunburn: i am going to strangle you, once i can move

someone at quantico: you're so relaxed!
langston, trembling with pure anxiety and three coffee cups' worth of caffeine: i'm never relaxed. i'm just really bad at being professional

rossi: hey, can you go grab us a table?
langston: sure!
[a few minutes later]
langston, running out with a table in his arms, being chased by an employee: START THE CAR

emily: *bursts into the bullpen* I CAUGHT A BIRD
hotch, half asleep: that's great kiddo
hotch, bolting up: WAIT YOU WHAT

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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