Chapter 16

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I was down in the pool house lying upside down on a pool lounger with all my hair draping off the edge, my Kings Of Leon CD was on and I was singing along to the song Wait For Me whilst supping from a whiskey bottle. Just as I laughed at Karlie's message, the entrance doors opened. I rolled my eyes and put my phone on my stomach, picking my head up to look at Marshall,

"If you've come to argue then forget it" I put my head back down, I'd just got myself back into a good mood since our fight back at Effigy studios,

"So's this what you gonna do all night? Put your music on blast and get wasted?"

"If this is what I've gotta do to avoid being screamed at for nothing then yeah... yeah this is exactly what I'm going to do" I spoke bitterly,

"I went about shit the wrong way but don't talk to me like shit Jodie"

"Oh... Oh okay yeah but it's okay for you to do that to me for no reason? You tell me how that's fair" I sat up, my head went a little woozy,

"Fuck it..." He turned back around to walk out,

"No!" I stood up, "Come on Marshall, I wanna know"

"Go to fuckin' bed" he looked at me with disgust,

"I will! No, actually..." I put my hand on my hip and swigged my liquor,
"Actually you go to bed. Yeah... sleep off your anger issues, must be past your bedtime old man " I was really winding him up and I loved it!

"The fuck you say to me? You fuckin' whore" He snapped as I now chuckled,

"Ohhh yeah, real mature, calling me a whore, yup" I nodded and kissed my teeth at him, "Good comeback"

"Man shut the fuck up! I'ma kick you out on that damn ass if you keep talkin' to me like that you fuckin' cunt who'd you think you are?!" He marched right up to me and got in my face,

"You know what?" I whispered with a smile, "You.." I poked his chest, "Don't scare me"

"Oh yea?" He bit in his lip in anger,

"Yeah" I bitchly hissed through my teeth, I then flinched as he swiped the bottle clean from my hand, it smashed all over the place, "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" I pushed his chest hard, he stumbled a couple of steps back, ripped his hat from his head, threw it hard to the floor and then lunged for me, his hands were handcuffed around my wrists as he ran me hard up the wall, cracking my head as my back slammed into the wall,

"DON'T YOU NEVER FUCKING STEP TO ME AND PUSH ME YOU CUNT WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screamed at me, the fright kicked in and then the fight as I saw red and kneed him right in his dick so that he would let go of me, he instantly dropped to the floor in a hurtful yell,

"Don't you EVER fucking lay your hands on me like that again Marshall!! EVER!! God what is that?" I pulled my fingers away from where my head was pounding, blood was there, "You've bust my head open you fucking jerk!"

"Get outta my house before I kill you" he said in pain as he sat up,

"Make me leave! I've lived here for just as long as you, so you can get fucked!" I laughed a little as I went to the lounger for my phone,
"In fact do you know what, fuck it!! Fuck you! Fuck this house! Fuck the wedding!"

"You're fucking done!" he was still cupping himself, his face bright red,

"No actually... You're done"

"Oh yea?" He took in a deep breath,

"How? I'm calling up Karlie, she needs to take me to A&E with this fucking concussion and then let me see, they'll want a report filing and I'll have to tell them the truth! I can crush you Marshall, and I will fucking fight dirty if I have to. Don't think you can get one up on me because with your reputation with women and then this whole domestic violence case brought to light I'm pretty fucking sure you'll be over and DONE with"

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Recovery EraWhere stories live. Discover now